Sunday, March 20, 2005

fill in..

daa! found this on a random blog. ^.^

Known as: .. yuki?
Birthday: 26/01
School: O.O private
Shoe size: pr-i-va-te
Hair color: black
Eye color: hmph
Style: anything.

*section 2 - have you ever...*
Cheated on someone: ??
Been cheated on: hen ne..
Fallen off the bed?: HN!
Broken someone’s heart: maybe..
Had your heart broken: ..
Had a dream come true: you wish.
Done something you regret?: .. yea
Cheated on a test?: test.. no

*section 3 - currently*
Wearing: clothes
Listening to: music
Located: On earth
Chatting with: my mind
Watching: nothing
Should REALLY be doing: homework.. yuck. psh

* section 4 - do you...*
Brush your teeth: when i feel like it. oh. *snorts*
Have any piercings: one -pair
Drive: if i can
Drink: Possible
Smoke: No
Got a cell: it's have. No.

*section 5 - the last person you...*
Hugged: person..? chk
Kissed: ...
Talked on the phone: urm. the nekO
Yelled at: kumo

*section 6 - personal*
Want to be when you grow up: -silence-
Boyfriend/girlfriend/crush: NO
Most scared of: no idea.
Think about before you go to bed: anything..
Lose someone you really loved: no.. i guess
How many times have you fallen in love: i don't.
Love your family: think.. no
Love your friends: =)

*section 7 - favorite*
Movie: none
Song: many?
Relative: O.o
Sport: ehhh..
Ice Cream Flavor: cHoCOlatE~
Fruit: mango, mangosteen
Day of the Week: Friday
Time: night, dawn
Color: black, blue.. red, teal.. green -.-''
Name for a Girl: raine.. elysia
Name for a Boy: chross, yuki~ *smirk*, aki!.. izumi, eh.

*section 8 - do you*
Like to give hugs: NO.. i guess
Like to give kisses: NO *glares*
Like to walk in the rain: hn
black or blue ink: blue
Like to travel?: maybe
Sleep on your side, stomach or w/e: anything'll do
Have a goldfish?: HAD
Ever have the falling dream: ..yea..
Have stuffed animals: ..yea

-.-'' it's LONG! ......

*section 9 - what do you think about...*
Abortion: nah..
Suicide: whatever.
Smoking: it kills.. over time
Eating disorders: hmm..
Summer: it's summer all year round. HOT
Tattoos: a temporary one will be good

*section 10 - this or that*
Pierced nose or tongue: lower lip? =D
Sugar or salt: salt
Silver or gold: Silver
Chocolate or flowers: cHOcOlatES! *sparkle*
Color or Black white: ... ...
M&Ms or Skittles: M&Ms
Stay up late or sleep in: BOTH!
Hot or cold: cold.
Mustard or ketchup: eWW. what's mustard?

Wonder or amazement: hmm.. none
Candy or Soda: soda sounds better
Pepsi or Coke: CokI


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