Sunday, February 20, 2005


amy lee's quotes...

"I think that our lyrics are definitely dark, but I know for a fact that we pull our inspiration from a million different influences. We listened to everything growing up. Our music isn't just 'opera metal' or 'gothic pop' it's just Evanescence"

"I'm retarded and I'm on TV"

"As a woman I feel offended because these artists portray women as people that can only do well in the world by selling their bodies. I'm determined to help prove that to be false"

"If people make fun fun of you, you must be doing something right"

"When you go through tragedy, you can either let that destroy you and you become bitter and never let it go, or you can let it make you stronger and let it make you grow. And that's what I did. My lyrics are coming from a place that I want people to relate to and feel that they're not alone"

"I don't want to ever be a quote-unquote rock star. I want to just be me."

"Too bad you can't quote the look on my face."

"It's OK to laugh at me, I only look scary."

"Inspiration comes in the middle of the night when you should be doing homework."

"There's one thing I believe, is that I don't know anything and anything could happen."

"Don't be afraid of the shadows, it only means there's a light nearby."

"Nobody's perfect. I'm perfectly flawed."

"We're all fallen, but at the same time we're not broken. There is the hint that we are going to get up again."

"I don't want to be Christina Aguilera. I want to be Amy Lee, rock queen - not sex queen."

"Every time a cool rock chick or actress seems to respect themselves as a strong woman, I'm like, 'Yeah!' And I love them, and they're my girls. And then they start to go downhill and people aren't paying attention anymore. So they start stripping their clothes off, because that's all they have left. I swear to everything I've ever known, I will never do that"

"Honestly I just wear what I like. You know why? 'Cause I can, I'm a rock star."

"I was always a drama queen. I remember playing in the kitchen, trying to get my mom to think I was dead and call the police. When she didn't, I would cry. I was always theatrical. I don't think any of my relatives are surprised. When we younger, Ben would come over and I'd come down the steps wearing some huge petticoat that I stole from school."

"I experienced a little bit of trauma in my childhood, and I'm constantly trying to be get back there. I'm obsessed with anything that takes me back to when I was 6,7,8."

"My best friend recently told me that I was the most passionate person she's ever known. I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult, honestly."

"Theres nothing sexy about skin and Bone, Urgh, you gotta have some junk in the trunk"

"If all we ever sang about was how happy we are, we would be lying to ourselves. People try to escape their problems by getting drunk, partying and dancing them away. What really heals me is to sit down and think, face the facts, then you can get over it and be happy"

"I cry alot-I dont know why, but it just helps me. I cry over bad and good stuff-sometimes sadness can be beautiful"

"Sometimes I pick my nose. There you have it."

"I was 13 and a little overweight with poofy hair. I was just trying to look busy so the counselors wouldn't try to buddy me up with the runny-nose kid in the corner."

"You think you know, but you have no idea!"

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