Sunday, May 29, 2005


~Get your head out of the covers
There is nothing left to learn
When you're waiting round' for something
that may never even come~

Friday, May 27, 2005


"Heero?" Duo studied his friend carefully before noticing one very unusual factor in their surroundings. "Why are we in the same bed?"

"Hn, baka. How the hell would I know?" Came Heero's irritated reply. Before either of them could say any more, a groan was heard from the other side of the room. Followed by Sally's mumbled "Get off me Chang." and a loud snore.

Glancing over to the other bed, a slight giggle escaped Duo's mouth before he could stop it.
"Check it out Heero, Wufei's a snuggler."

"I don't care about Wufei's bed time habits."
"How are you feeling?"


Duo scoffed, "Yeah bullshit. You're a terrible liar Yuy."


A pillow found it's way to the back of Duo's head. "Shut up Maxwell. Some of us are trying to sleep."

"Or cuddle the good Doctor Sally, whatever you want to call it Wufei." Funnily enough, the retort came from Heero, who was trying hard not to smirk at the Chinese boy's reaction.

"See you're a lot better Yuy............... Yuy? Your awake?"

"No Chang, I'm dead and you're talking to my ghost."

"Well, you do have a sense of humour, even if someone had to near kill you to find it. Who knew?!"
"Come with me Maxwell, we're going for a walk."
Duo stared at Wufei with wide eyes. "In the snow?!"
"Yes, the refreshing cool air will help clear your mind."
"I............ I um, can I talk to you?"
"Your talking to me now aren't you? Why must you ask to continue?"
"You look like shit Yuy. How are you feeling?"
"Why, thank you Chang. It's always wonderful to wake up to your kind words."
...he never thought he'd ever see Heero reading Shakespeare.

"I hold it cowardice to rest mistrustful where a noble heart hath pawn'd an open hand in sign of love."

Heero looked up at Duo with indecision. Wondering if the braided boy's choice of quote was deliberate or random. Seeing as Heero still didn't catch the meaning, he tried again.

"Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." He looked again at the Japanese soldier, willing to see understanding in blue eyes. There was none. The boy was still as clueless as my mothers dog.

"Duo, English or even Japanese, but not gibberish. I am three pages in and haven't the slightest on what he is on about. What makes you think I can understand you normally let alone when you're quoting some guy long dead with language skills that died with him?"
There was a crack in the roof that oddly looked like Trowa's hair


Saa.. got.. a Duo, two Quatre, Wing Zero, two Heero! *squeal* Wufei and Zech! Aww.. Oh Trowa, w'ere art thou'? I need Trowa's knowledge too to pass the exams!


hah! That guy should learn who's the boss here. He was the one who broke his own connection, and placed an extension at MY connection, fixing my internet cord at an extension of his! Well, so he SHOULD know that he is under mE (not literally -.-'') and not the other way round so he can't complain of me downloading things! The connection is under my name! Bwuahahaa.. no rights to remove my internet cord! No rights No rights. *_* I'm not dumb you know, he probably thought that I didn't know he's using my internet connection *narrows eyes* THE CONNECTION IS MINE! NO ONE CAN TAKE IT FROM ME!


The music finally works! sigh. the dumb family. Can't study with people around X_x



Thursday, May 26, 2005


I type Rubbish, Rubbish I type. Therefore this is Trash. If you feed on Trash, you are 'Bin'.
B - beautiful
I - incentive
N - nerd.

Monday, May 23, 2005


You will hear, you will see! Be stricken with disgust.
That black smudge contrasting to that pale whiteness
You will ignore!
You will stumble upon the ugliness and turn away nauseas
The muffled silence, drowning in eternity.
Retching .. blankness
The dark wrath that binds to it.
Be in denial of the truth!
Spit among the gory, the sinfulness!
And you are never there.
Open doors. It's the filth.
And it is non existant anyway.

hana no baka! doko desu ka!? *dying* arghh.. BAKA!


for what? For.. something.. I've been waiting for the past ten over years anyway. Connect and look, and look. And look. Finding, grabbing that very little dirt. I know that dirt isn't good, when is it ever? But.. that is better than nothing. In fact, it helps to ease a lot. Just a little dirt in the empty container. I hope.. at least that is good enough. Why does it dissipate so soon? So I got to look for more. And more. And more. How much dirt can you find in a little distance within yourself? Not much, I guess.. Well, when it's gone, I just realised that dirt's gotten all over it. Waiting perhaps, still waiting.. surely there is something else? A figment of the imaginations will do. It doesn't so as much matter anymore. I'll wait till the container turns urkish, i'll wait till it finally gets devoured, I'll wait till the end!



Saturday, May 21, 2005


For 26,47 % you are: Personality B
Your Personality name is “ The Cheese Hybrid” a kind of “The Multifarious Observer”

Your genius level: (Based on a scale of 1-10) you scored: 8.6-9.6 (semi-genius)

Your personality brief: Like the nursery rhyme; “The cheese stands alone” describes your work ethic; you are a loner born and bred. You work best when alone. Very independent and idealistic. Your personality is very distinctive, original and unique. You are extremely creative and intellectual. Thorough, expressive, and contemplative at times. You often enjoy indulging in time to think things through rather than do things rashly. Scientific mindset. Optimistic in means of survival yet cynical in times of doubt. You appreciate deep music and art. You can be sarcastic and have an over-active personality, which is a very good attribute. Kindness and sincerity reflects you in every aspect. You are very sensitive, compassionate, romantic and value love Very attentive and observant of surroundings and tend to mock reactions when uncertain of behavior.

Good side of your personality: You are a very good listener and people look to you for your input and advice. You can interpret things in a way that is acknowledged as valuable and people respect and admire your intelligence in matters.

Bad side of your personality: You can come across as arrogant and stubborn sometimes. You can be very cold when angry. Tend to second guess yourself. People take advantage of your kindness. Also you can come across as undeceive and unsure.

Career calling: Pursue a career in something that will reveal your abilities in processing information, listening skills, creativeness, and intellectual self like becoming a writer, artist, psychologist, counselor, executive, business or design professional, lawyer, interior design, or wedding planner. If those are not your callings, try seeking a profession that will assist mankind for the greater good. The world needs you.

Relationships: You are the model romantic. You give your all in relationships but tend to harbor your true feelings when in doubt. Don’t hold back! Your passion for love and life is immense and sometimes is unappreciated by your choice in partners in the past. Your relationships are usually long lasting and loyal in being with someone you least expected rather than the ideal candidate in your eyes. Your relationships are at its best when first developed as good friends with strong compatibility in the same interests. Although love at first sight can be what you always wanted in your eyes, it can also be deceiving. You are extremely sexual when discovered and your partner likes this about you. Beware that your partner is more focused on your sexual talents rather than your talents at heart. Growth of a relationship means exploring each other in all aspects more than just psychical attraction or the enjoyment of ones company. Being in-tune with oneself means you are easily in-tune with your partner’s feelings. Don’t isolate yourself into a relationship you know isn’t working. If you gave your all, you gave your all. Don’t hinder your romantic heights to love someone who does not deliver love back. Only settle for the best (you are worth it). Sturdy relationships lie in the east with a creative and deep Virgo, swift Libra, fun and interesting Aquarius, and passionate Capricorns. Beware of the dominant Leos, the deceiving Sagittarius and the persuasive Cancer.

Future at a glance: You have a very prosperous, fun future in the stars wake IF you allow it to be. Be weary…a decision coming up VERY soon might decide your fate and happiness later on in life. Don’t act upon it with initial reaction. Take time to think things through. Don’t wear black this coming Friday. To solve a problem you are facing now, consult drinking lemon juice mixed with salt, sugar, and hot water. Very soon you are in store for a surprise. And last, you recently developed a bad habit and could hinder how people could perceive you as.

Advice: Stay the way you are. Let go of things you can’t change, build the perseverance to change the things you can, and acknowledge the wisdom you possess to know the difference.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Utada Hikaru
Dareka no Negai ga Kanau
(When someone's wish come true)

I've lost something important because of small things
The cold ring showed its glimmer to me
I said, "All I need is today," but that wasn't the case
The door to you vanished without a sound

The more I wish for your happiness, the more selfish I become
But still, I want you to stay, and I always did
When someone's wish comes true, she'll be crying
That way the door won't make a sound

I wanted to become the only one who can heal you, who is needed by everyone,
And I've endured it a little too much

To wish for own happiness is not selfish, right?
If that's so, I want to hold you as tight as I can
When my tears dry up, she'll be crying
That way, the ground under us won't dry up

The more I wish for your happiness, the more selfish I become
But you never hold me back, you never did
When someone's wish comes true, she'll be crying
Everyone's wishes can't be granted at once

As the small earth rotates, I learn to become more kind
I want to hug you once more, as soft as I can


09 I Will Never Cry

I will never cry 가만히 날 잊어가
조용히 먼 세상은 내게 손에 닿지 않도록

come to me 텅 빈 두 눈에 color something's wrong
잡힐 듯 까만 그 진한 공기의 춤

oh look at me 텅 빈 두눈에 color something's wrong
things to make me beautiful

so nothing's right but these are special
머리 속에 잠겨 든 수많은 작은 불빛 들도 속삭이듯 노래를

come to me 텅 빈 두 눈에 color something's wrong
잡힐 듯 까만 그 진한 공기의 춤
oh look at me 텅 빈 두눈에 color something's wrong
그저 눈을 감아 생각하지 말아
you never die

It's the silence it's the silence it's the silence

you never know it's going to feel (x4)
I will never cry not now I will never cry

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

e to..

Saiyuki Reload Episode 7 - Sanzo ikkou and the Neko

Hahaaa! Since when did Saiyuki become a comedy? Hmm.. *frown* but it's.. kawaii! Besides, my bishounens are irresistible! *squeal* Ehh.. I see no plot in the story yet, demo.. some shows are really slow at developing a plot +_+ Shall see..

Recent Months
Watching: Naruto . Saiyuki Reload . Bleach . Tsubasa Chronicle
Finished: Weib Kreuz . One Piece 1-30 . FullMetal Alchemist
Next (after saiyuki reload): Saiyuki Gunlock / Ai no Kusabi / Mirage of Blaze
Completed: ~Thirty-six
Dropped: Five


Final Report for charcoal
Dear Physician,
Your patient has some concerns regarding her health and has completed a survey. The survey is designed to assist you in your diagnosis of anxiety disorder, depression, and/or dysthymia and should not to be considered a substitute for your opinion or advice. Based on her responses to this survey, your patient has reported the following information:
She has reported agoraphobic avoidance without meeting DSM-IV criteria for panic.
NOTE: It should be noted that although your patient did not meet DSM-IV criteria for panic, symptoms of panic may have been reported. Agoraphobic avoidance without a history of panic is thought to be quite rare.

- confidential -

...extracted from the test..
Probably toying with my own mind again hm..


Someone actually took more tests. =P Hm. Sorry about the waste of time, that wasn't so necessary though. anyway.. *glomps hana*

You need understanding.
In your life there has been many people that could never seem too comprehend your personality. Now you have either become an out-cast because of their narrow minds or you have adjusted yourself to them, and never letting them see who you are deep inside. You now think that no one will ever understand you and you hate that fact. Though you are scared of what the effects might be if you would decide to let someone in so you keep a safe distance that you both curse and bless.

What Do You Need in Your Life? [dark pics]
brought to you by Quizilla

You have a goodbye kiss- much passion and longing, but never lasting. ( O.O eWw. what gdbye kiss?! NoWay. )

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a dark girl. You have a really quiet and really a i dont' care attitude. You like to be alone and that is what you enjoy. You don't like to be around others and you'd rather be away from here. You have a get away from me look and others find you bitchy and self-rigious. You'd rather read than be at a fair but that's ok because that's who you are.

Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only
brought to you by Quizilla

'Death of the Soul'
Your heart stopped beating a long time ago
You seek loneliness and live for yourself
( oh really? I never knew i lived for anything. Hm. wanna live for my tomodachi! hey. don't the picture looks disgusting? just figured out what wrong with the thing awhile ago. That is.. what IS there the .. chest.. gck. i thought it IS a man! *horrified* )

??Which colour of Death is yours??
brought to you by Quizilla

You are sad because of the loneliness in your life

Why are you sad? [amazing pictures] For darker people
brought to you by Quizilla

You are dead inside and don't experience sadness that often (wasn't happy with the previous one so i reviewed it again. hmm. )

Why are you sad? [amazing pictures] For darker people
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, May 16, 2005


wellll.. not really. Took some quizzes I found on my friend's diary. =D heee.. Hmm.. how come my pictures aren't as nice as hers? And anyway.. the results seems weird. *.* Hm. yay! an assassin! First mission.. (okay. i know someone's reading this) .. *threaten to kill whoever who refuse to sleep after 1:59:59 and whoever who sleeps only at 3* hmmMMM.. how's that. XD

You are an assassin.
That means you are a proffessional and do your job without mixing any emotions in it. In your life you have probably been hurt many times and have gotten some mental scars. This results in you being distant from people. Though many think that you are evil, you are not. What you really are is a person, trying to forget your pain and past. You are the person who never seems to care and that is why being an assassin fits you good. Atleast, that's what people think. Even if you don't care that much for your victims, you still have the ability to care and to generally feel. It is not lost, just a little forgotten. In crowds you tend to not get to noticed, and dress in black or other discrete colours. You don't being in the spotlight and wish people would just leave you alone. But once you do get close to someone you have a hard time letting go and get real down if you loose him/her.

Main weapon: Sniper
Quote: "The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy" -Jim Rohn
Facial expression: Narrowed eyes

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla

cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be close to your special someone and feel warm, comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, May 15, 2005


If you have to leave, I'll just have to go after you right?

Saturday, May 14, 2005


okay. my uncle's creeping me out by sitting opposite me. *.*

Thursday, May 12, 2005


next song... Aura! Tasty.. angst. evil. beautiful. enticing

By wonderful Yuki Kajiura & Emily Bindiger

If you are near to the dark
I will tell you 'bout the sun
You are here, no escape
From my visions of the world
You will cry all alone
But it does not mean a thing to me

Knowing the song I will sing
Till the darkness comes to sleep
Come to me, I will tell 'bout the secret of the sun
It's in you, not in me
But it does not mean a thing to you

The sun is in your eyes
The sun is in your ears
I hope you see the sun
Someday in the darkness

The sun is in your eyes
The sun is in your ears
But you can't see the sun
Ever in the darkness
It does not much matter to me


Just remembered - fish-es are creepy! Not the ones on my plate though =P When they're dead.. it's so. DEAD. And then it goes floating around the SURFACE of the water where it can be seen and... felt O.O And it's so lifeless and seeing it is just so. eWW! Recently I even had a dream where some people .. my mother I guess kept forcing me to keep fish-es, but then the fish-es are .. so big and flatt. Flat fish-es are worst. And their eyes are big piakkie too *.* I don't want any fish for pets! -or at least, not anymore! So in conclusion, I hate DEAD fish. Or flat, flopping XP fish. Their bodies are slimiee! HN


26 things you can do when you're in an elevator! hahahaa!! XD I wanna get stuck in one.. with.. hehe!

1. When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you.
2. Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.
3. Ask if you can push the button for other people, but push the wrong ones.
4. Call the Psychic Hotline from your cell phone and ask if they know what floor your on.
5. Hold the doors open and say your waiting for a friend. After a while, let the doors close, and say, "Hi Greg. How's your day been?"
6. Drop a pen and wait until someone goes to pick it up, then scream, "That's mine!"
7. Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the elevator.
8. Move your desk into the elevator and whenever anyone gets on, ask if they have an apointment.
9. Lay down the twister mat and ask people if they would like to play.
10. Leave a box in the corner, and when someone gets on, ask them if they can hear ticking.
11. Pretend you are a flight attendant and review emergency procedures and exits with the passengers.
12. Ask, "Did you feel that?"
13. Stand really close to someone, sniffing them occasionally.
14. When the doors close, announce to the others, "It's okay, don't panic, they open again!"
15. Swat at flies that don't exist.
16. Tell people that you can see their aura.
17. Call out, "Group Hig!"and then enforce it.
18. Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering, "Shut up, all of you, just shut up!"
19. Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside, ask, "Got enough air in there?"
20. Stand silently and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off.
21. Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce in horror, "Your one of THEM!" and back away slowly.
22. Wear a puppet on your hand and use it to talk to the other passengers.
23. Listen to the elevator walls with your stethoscope.
24. Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
25. Stare, grinning at another passenger for a while, then announce, "I have new socks on".
26. Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passnegers, "This is MY personal space!"


Ichthyophobia .. I don't like fish! eeeeewwww
Paraskavedekatriaphobia - ! hana's birthday this year =D

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


! O.O .. just decided for once to open the mail one of my yahoo subscribed group and it said..
"The Fic contest will be delayed, we are not sure how long the delay will last.
A good friend of Vega-Lume is dying and has to have an operation next week.
the chance of servival is about 20% but with out the operation the chance is 0%.

please be paitent with us and for those out there who pray please pray for Vel's friend.

thank you

Sunday, May 08, 2005


*humms* I can smell the morrnnnnnning air~ so cooling refreshing and bland~ =P

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Hear me cry

Song: Hear Me Cry
Artist: Utada Hikaru

You couldn't say
Needed someone new

You actually thought
Deep inside I knew

Can you tell me
How can you say
Why this should suffice

You passed me by
And yours heart is
As cold as ice
(you passed me by)

Did you see me cry?
(did you ask you yourself)
Did you see my cry?
(did you ask yourself why)
Can you hear me cry?
(did you ask yourself)
Will we ever grow apart?

You couldn't say
Needed someone knew

And you actually thought
Deep inside I knew

I wonder where will we go
Will we be the same?
(you passed me by)

I laugh inside
I think of you
And the love we made
(you passed me by)

Tell me why
This should suffice
I hold you through the night

Now, will I let it go
Soon I'll let it go

Can you hear me cry?
(will you ask yourself why)
Can you hear me cry?
(will you ask yourself how)
Can you hear me cry?
(will you ask yourself)
Will we ever grow apart?

You, I'll stand by your side
I'll be there for you
(you passed me by)
You, I'll stand by your side
Please, just do me right
(you passed me by)
You, I'll stand by your side
I'll be there for you

Friday, May 06, 2005


are great! =D Just downloaded a bunch of new songs. hmm.. listening to them now.. arhh got to study. i'm failing!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Sand falls in the hourglass
And the world watches me wait for you
I almost feel your whispered words without echo
Maybe a million years will pass but the memory
Still waits...

-Aoi-chan, author of YWAM


If I need you more than I need anyone else.. Is it love?
If I miss you when you're not there.. Is it love? ..
Or it's just me.. yearning for comfort..

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Tobira wo Akete

Song: Tobira wo Akete; Open the Door

* It's all right daijoubu DAIJOUBU daijoubu
Kiseki datte okoseru
Here we go ikou yo ikou yo ikou yo tsubasa hiroge
Kitto nani ka ga nani ka ga doko ka de deaeru hi o matteru
DO! DO! DO! DREAMING! DREAMING! soshite tobira ga hiraku yo...

IZA tonaru to nani mo ienai shaberitai no ni koe mo kiki takute
Kokoro ga ne awateteru
Aoi sora ni hikouki kumo tsunaida te ni waite kuru POWER
Doko datte yuke sou da yo kaze ni notte...

* repeat

Nandemo nai koishi de sae fushigi da yo ne houseki ni kawaru
Isshoni ne miteru dake de... minna hikaru

Top secret daisuki na DAISUKI na daisuki na
Shunkan ga fuete yuku
Tottemo chiisana CHIISANA chiisana tane ni natte
Kitto kokoro no doko ka de ookina hana ga saki hajimeteru
DO! DO! DO! DREAMING! DREAMING! soshite sekai ha hiraku

Daijoubu DAIJOUBU daijoubu
Kiseki datte okoseru
Here we go ikou yo ikou yo ikou yo tsubasa hiroge
Kitto nani ka ga nani ka ga doko ka de deaeru hi o matteru
DO! DO! DO! DREAMING! DREAMING! soshite tobira ga hiraku yo...


*It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right.
Miracles can happen.
Here we go Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!
Spread your wings
I'm sure something, something, is out there somewhere,
just waiting for us to find it.
Do! Do! Do! Dreaming! Dreaming!
And then the door will open...

When I'm troubled, I don't say a thing,
Even though I want to talk to you, and want to hear your voice
My heart's confused
Vapor trails in the blue sky...
Power welling up from my hand in yours...
I feel like I can go anywhere,
Riding the wind...

* repeat

Isn't it wonderfully strange, how even insignificant pebbles
Can change into gems?
When we're together, just looking...
Makes everything shine.

The number of "top secret" moments I just love, love, love,
Keeps growing and growing,
Becoming very small, small, small seeds.
I just know that somewhere in my heart,
They're beginning to bloom into big flowers.
Do! Do! Do! Dreaming! Dreaming!
And then the world will open...

It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right.
Miracles can happen.
Here we go Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!
Spread your wings.
I'm sure something, something, is out there somewhere,
just waiting for us to find it.
Do! Do! Do! Dreaming! Dreaming!
And then the door will open...


I am He
But He is not a being
I have his memories
But by Him, the memories are created
The memories are chosen by me
I live as Him, I live in Him
I feel what He feels
And I react how He does
Yet He do not know me
He is not me
I see what He sees
I see what He doesn't
But He has what He has
And I do not have what He does
I am He
I created Him
I took in what was created of Him from others
Took in what was accepted of Him
The other Him that was created
Created by others, was rejected
Love what He has
Yearn for what He has
I yearn to be Him
So in He, am I
And in I, am an empty shell
Containing only His non-existent self
His false memories and emotions in which,
I dwell in
When He has salvation
In the salvation, I yearn
When He has love
In the love, I yearn
He is nothing, but He has everything
And I am a being, and I
Have nothing

Monday, May 02, 2005

peanuts II

charlie brown speaking to the 'kite eating' tree.. and thus he said,
"... You hate me because you need me!"


hmMm.. I just remembered this disturbingly sick flashback in a fic I read. +_+ Well.. it IS disturbing! Went a little crazy when I first read it.. but it doesn't matter now. hmm.. sighh

"Let me tell you a story about this little boy."
"He was a spoiled little rat who had everything he wanted."
" A sweet home with loving parents and lots and lots of toys "
"But the boy's life was changed forever one day. when a stranger invaded his life. A very evil stranger who broke into their peaceful home and took away everything he had. He came not for money and not for revenge. He came solely for the enjoyment of torturing."

"It was a Friday late afternoon. The boy had just come back from school and was busy watching the cartoons on TV."
"You know, those transformers and stuff. The mother was home too. She had already started making dinner in the kitchen. I believe it was the pasta day. Gosh, it was such a normal Friday afternoon."
"And then the doorbell rang. The boy ignored it. He was in the middle of the show. No one could get him out of there. So the mother went to answer the door. She invited in a stranger who she believed to be a salesman."

"Boy was she wrong. The stranger stepped into the door and swung his heavy suitcase over her head, knocking her out cold. He slammed the door and opened the suitcase and chained the mother to the dinning room table with handcuffs. He was very efficient."
"He did all that while the boy was standing in the middle of the living room, too shocked to move. Too shocked to yell. Too shocked to even go picking up the phone and calling the police."

"The stranger then tied the boy up with ropes and threw him next to his mother, who was now bleeding from her head injury. The boy was still in shocked. The ropes dug into the boy's wrists and ankels and the cloth in the boy's mouth was making it hard for him to breath. For the first time in his life, the boy desperately prayed to God."

"But God did not answer the boy's prayer for the father arrived home on time that day. When he opened the door, the stranger was already waiting for him with a pistol in his hand. He knocked the father out cold with the back of the pistol and tied the father up as well with the nylon rope he brought in his heavy suitcase."

"Before the father woke up, the stranger had already had much fun with the mother. He had f*cked her eight times before the boy's eyes. The boy did not have the luck of passing out cold. The stranger had made sure of that. The boy could hardly recognize the bloody woman lying next to him. The boy silently prayed to God again."

"But God did not answer the boy's prayer as the stranger decided upon another game. He propped up the father against the bathroom door and brought his arms up so that he could tie him to doorknob. He went into the kitchen and brought in an apple and he placed it on the father's head. He then went to the boy, removing his bound and gags. He placed his gun into this 6-year-old boy's trembling hand. 'Today is your lucky day, kid.' The man said to the boy. 'I feel generous today.' The smile of the stranger sent a shiver down the boy's spine. 'If you shoot that apple off your father's head, I will leave this house this minute.' The boy felt the weight of the gun. The boy was not stupid. He knew what a gun was. Still trembling, the boy slowly turned the gun toward the stranger. The stranger smiled devilishly again and pushed the boy's gun away easily. 'The safety is not off yet.' He then took out another gun and aimed at the mother on the floor. ' I guess you needed some incentive to do this entertainment for me.

"Surprisingly, the mother was still conscious. As the boy's vision started to blur, he heard his mother begging in the background with words that the boy could hardly understand. The boy stared at his father tied to the door. The father looked at the boy with a mixed expression. The boy cried as the father mouthed 'I love you' to the boy. The stranger laughed as the boy raised the gun and aimed at the apple. The boy prayed to God again."

"But God did not answer his prayer. The gun fired into the door few inches above the apple. The stranger laughed. He kneeled down and wrapped his hands around the boy's trembling hands. He helped the boy trained the gun on the apple. He released the boy's hands and commanded: 'Do it again.' Holding the gun as still as possible, the boy shook his head. The boy begged the stranger. The mother begged the stranger. Neither of them convinced the sadistic monster. The stranger walked to the mother and held the gun close to the mother's temple. 'Do it.' The stranger said."

"The boy did not pray to God this time. He pray to Shinigami and he asked for the release of their suffering. He fired the gun, trying to aim for the apple. The bullet went straight into the father's face, exploding the flesh into pieces. The blood splashed on the boy's face as the stranger behind him laughed. Shinigami had answered his prayer again as another gun shot was fired behind him shortly after and the boy's mother was killed with a single bullet.."

"The boy dropped the gun on the floor and waited for his release. But Shinigami had ignored the boy for it was the sacrifice that he had to make in order to answer his prayers."
"The boy was the only one in the family that had miraculously but barely survived. On the ninth day, when the police had finally broken down the door and arrested the monster, the boy had already lost the humanity in him. He.."


hello panda chocolate biscuit by meiji


've been wanting to post something from the book since last night, but well.. suddenly decided against it. >P okay, let's see.. there's five sides of papers that states 'blah blah paper 1.. blahh paper 2' and 'study.. blah' ewW. >o< 'v will never get around to that! hN. anyway, till yesterday do im' realise that pEanuts is supposed to be inspirational! or.. something to learn from o.O .. still downloading fullmetal alchemist, gck for some reasons the computer has been slowing down greatly these days, sloww systems are annoying. >< lallaa~ alright! Forgot the point of this --
Ran/Aya: "Addiction is a hindrance, Kudo. And yours is revolting." (Youji's addiction = smoking)
Youji: "You have your vices, I have mine. I'll have you know my addiction makes me a much nicer person. What do yours do for you?" (Aya's addiction = ..urm.. being cold & mean? >D kyaaa!!)
note* 'kyaa' = fangirl's type of yell
lalalaa~ It's ovER! It's oveR! im' life~ is oVER!! bored.. yaoi >>> "don't stick out your tongue unless you intend to use it" opps! hm.. blah


linus: What are you doing here, charlie brown?
charlie: Nothing much
charlie: I just thought I'd stand here and watch the world go by...
charlie: It never came by

charlie: Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Why am I here?"
charlie: Then a voice answers, "Why? Where do you want to be?"
charlie: Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Why me?"
charlie: Then a voice answers, "Nothing personal... Your name just happened to come up.."