Tuesday, May 03, 2005


I am He
But He is not a being
I have his memories
But by Him, the memories are created
The memories are chosen by me
I live as Him, I live in Him
I feel what He feels
And I react how He does
Yet He do not know me
He is not me
I see what He sees
I see what He doesn't
But He has what He has
And I do not have what He does
I am He
I created Him
I took in what was created of Him from others
Took in what was accepted of Him
The other Him that was created
Created by others, was rejected
Love what He has
Yearn for what He has
I yearn to be Him
So in He, am I
And in I, am an empty shell
Containing only His non-existent self
His false memories and emotions in which,
I dwell in
When He has salvation
In the salvation, I yearn
When He has love
In the love, I yearn
He is nothing, but He has everything
And I am a being, and I
Have nothing

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