Monday, May 23, 2005


for what? For.. something.. I've been waiting for the past ten over years anyway. Connect and look, and look. And look. Finding, grabbing that very little dirt. I know that dirt isn't good, when is it ever? But.. that is better than nothing. In fact, it helps to ease a lot. Just a little dirt in the empty container. I hope.. at least that is good enough. Why does it dissipate so soon? So I got to look for more. And more. And more. How much dirt can you find in a little distance within yourself? Not much, I guess.. Well, when it's gone, I just realised that dirt's gotten all over it. Waiting perhaps, still waiting.. surely there is something else? A figment of the imaginations will do. It doesn't so as much matter anymore. I'll wait till the container turns urkish, i'll wait till it finally gets devoured, I'll wait till the end!

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