Friday, May 27, 2005


"Heero?" Duo studied his friend carefully before noticing one very unusual factor in their surroundings. "Why are we in the same bed?"

"Hn, baka. How the hell would I know?" Came Heero's irritated reply. Before either of them could say any more, a groan was heard from the other side of the room. Followed by Sally's mumbled "Get off me Chang." and a loud snore.

Glancing over to the other bed, a slight giggle escaped Duo's mouth before he could stop it.
"Check it out Heero, Wufei's a snuggler."

"I don't care about Wufei's bed time habits."
"How are you feeling?"


Duo scoffed, "Yeah bullshit. You're a terrible liar Yuy."


A pillow found it's way to the back of Duo's head. "Shut up Maxwell. Some of us are trying to sleep."

"Or cuddle the good Doctor Sally, whatever you want to call it Wufei." Funnily enough, the retort came from Heero, who was trying hard not to smirk at the Chinese boy's reaction.

"See you're a lot better Yuy............... Yuy? Your awake?"

"No Chang, I'm dead and you're talking to my ghost."

"Well, you do have a sense of humour, even if someone had to near kill you to find it. Who knew?!"
"Come with me Maxwell, we're going for a walk."
Duo stared at Wufei with wide eyes. "In the snow?!"
"Yes, the refreshing cool air will help clear your mind."
"I............ I um, can I talk to you?"
"Your talking to me now aren't you? Why must you ask to continue?"
"You look like shit Yuy. How are you feeling?"
"Why, thank you Chang. It's always wonderful to wake up to your kind words."
...he never thought he'd ever see Heero reading Shakespeare.

"I hold it cowardice to rest mistrustful where a noble heart hath pawn'd an open hand in sign of love."

Heero looked up at Duo with indecision. Wondering if the braided boy's choice of quote was deliberate or random. Seeing as Heero still didn't catch the meaning, he tried again.

"Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." He looked again at the Japanese soldier, willing to see understanding in blue eyes. There was none. The boy was still as clueless as my mothers dog.

"Duo, English or even Japanese, but not gibberish. I am three pages in and haven't the slightest on what he is on about. What makes you think I can understand you normally let alone when you're quoting some guy long dead with language skills that died with him?"
There was a crack in the roof that oddly looked like Trowa's hair

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