Monday, May 02, 2005


've been wanting to post something from the book since last night, but well.. suddenly decided against it. >P okay, let's see.. there's five sides of papers that states 'blah blah paper 1.. blahh paper 2' and 'study.. blah' ewW. >o< 'v will never get around to that! hN. anyway, till yesterday do im' realise that pEanuts is supposed to be inspirational! or.. something to learn from o.O .. still downloading fullmetal alchemist, gck for some reasons the computer has been slowing down greatly these days, sloww systems are annoying. >< lallaa~ alright! Forgot the point of this --
Ran/Aya: "Addiction is a hindrance, Kudo. And yours is revolting." (Youji's addiction = smoking)
Youji: "You have your vices, I have mine. I'll have you know my addiction makes me a much nicer person. What do yours do for you?" (Aya's addiction = ..urm.. being cold & mean? >D kyaaa!!)
note* 'kyaa' = fangirl's type of yell
lalalaa~ It's ovER! It's oveR! im' life~ is oVER!! bored.. yaoi >>> "don't stick out your tongue unless you intend to use it" opps! hm.. blah

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