Sunday, January 09, 2005


it's weird to have those fits again. I shall call it those days that I get really out of it. It is really strange... you get really tired, and then somehow manage to doze off many times so you would decide to take a little nap. Well, only to find out that would be the most horrible decision ever. Then waking up almost reluctantly because it's still tiring, you drag yourself off to do some work. But finding out that it's all groggy, dizzy and you don't seem to have energy to move around nor think. Well, save the fingers typing now. they hardly move much like that anyway. Plus, all the tons of work and your eyes are tired for no reason. You can feel your body slowing down every minute like it wanted to go into herbination, and the air becomes chilly all of a sudden though you usually hate it 'warm' instead. Did I mention the head is heavy? oh yea.. sure. And thus.. overall.. all you - arh.. i wanted now is to go back and continue my longgg nap - which is impossible! Need to do work! Hee.. that sums it up. One of those days I'm really out of it. It's a wonder, I was just thinking how come I feel soooo tired these days. And some others I couldn't even get out of bed even though I've napped over hours! Damn.. is there something wrong or what? This is weird.. NOOOOO!!! My homework!! Kuso! Gotta be in trouble. Kisama.. arhh.. it's coldd! *shiver* stupid fan. Hope that I don't doze off in front of the computer again or.. *dies*

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