Sunday, January 09, 2005


I just found out what BDSM means! ahahha! Now i know it! erk. Well, it wasn't exactly very much what i've thought it to be though... but nevermind~ who cares! Err.. don't ask how I found out though, kinda strayed from my art research earlier on - ehh.. and instead i went to research on yaoi, that's why I saw that. *coughs* hahhahaa nah nah. yaoi rules! Well, actually not. Whoa, can't believe it! I went to search on yaoi, yaoi, yaoi! erhem.. and I saw or rather read/learnt about some stuff, well that is possibly not suitable for e age. Wahha! But then again, who cares~! Do I ever do things just the right for me- age..? NO! Oh well.. i'm beginning to turn into a maniac. eeks. i'm pervertized again. Hn.. well, i never said I wasn't. Some kind of a thing huh? ehh.. lallalaaa *hums to self* oh.oh. that thought.. hmm.. just thinking~ i wanna be a bi! That's better than norm. haha.. a little impossible though. Aww. Or I can be heero! Meanwhile...
*heero appears*
"what did you say?"
*and death glares*

eeekss!! nooooo!! ok ok fine! Take duo all to yourself and leave me alone!
*smirk and walks away*
-.-'' phew~ hmm.. i'm going a little crazy talking to myself again. sighs- but it's nice isn't it? Well.. i have no idea. lallaaa.. boof. sighs hehe. oOh what was i blabbling about earlier on? hmph stupid thing interrupt my thought. *grins* oh well, as i was saying.. being a bi is good!! but it's against every other thing that is normal. hmm.. well.. ahahhaa! can't wait to go canada, i wanna see that yaoi cp my friend told me about! Wahha. I wanna stalk them till they let me interview and take pictures of them! aww.. sweet~! kyaaa! *go on craze* osh.. calm down, calm down. did i over do it? opps.. got to get back to work. there goes.. my weekend with a .. *wahhhh!!!!* erhem. "OMPH!" opps.. did I hear funny noises down the hallway? got to go! bye!!
*walking to check out the noise*
"Omae o korosu!!"
*outside heero & duo's room* -.-" did i just hear that?
"ouch!! not so hard!!"
*suspicions rise, barge into the room*
"hm?" *sits a sulking duo with heero brushing his hair*
duo: hii! *waves*
heero: *frown* what do you want.
opps. "well, i thought.."
heero: omae o korosu.
duo: *raise eyebrow* hmmmm? anything wrong? *attempt to look both sides*
heero: *got my weird thinking and glares*
*froze* "arhh.. well.. nothing much arh, ja ne!"
heero: *still glaring and brushing duo's hair*
duo: "feels niceee"
"hey hey! I didn't really mean what you thought you know? just.. *sighs* anyway, you know I prefer a 2x1 than 1x2 so there's no need for that!" *ducks and run away*
heero: ..... omae o.. *fume*
duo: what's that for? what are you two talking about? huh? hey.. hey! .. gaaahh! don't pull so hard on my hair! ar- hey!!!
*sighs* funny people..aww.. i thought i went in the right time.. *walking away from the room"
"arhhh!! gentl- hey!! not so hard.. ouch- oucchhh! hey! what were you thin- *wails*"
"hn. gomen"
*funny sounds still emiting from the room*

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