Wednesday, December 29, 2004


counting all the fics i've read that is bookmarked.. 80 of them! whoohoo~ i've read around 80 gundam fics altogether! And lots of yaoi! Dmm.. sigh.. no wonder it's hard to find a 2x1 fic these days.. nothing good. change song! oh well. it doesn't seem that i'm typing anything um. useful. eh.. [fill in the blank] these days.. school is reopening! ... wahhh! *cries and run off*

Tuesday, December 28, 2004


how do you feel? when time seems to have stopped. when you stop feeling, stop thinking, and your body just continue moving like an automatic machine. that tugging at the back, that nostalgic feeling, something that you can't remember, that you can't think anyway.


sigh.. boreee hn. 1 2 3 ... 3 2 1 ... BORE! sighh bore... boring... BOOF! wahhhahaa.. -sigh-

Sunday, December 26, 2004


ne... i wonder sometimes, who's really happy? or who just seems happy but in actual they're not. It is weird.. when someone's upset, i'll hope that person won't. Demo sa.. why is it that when they are fine, it's all back to normal again. And well I wasn't the cause anyway, though I hope i was. Why is it that never knowing what to do, never am cause of happiness? well.. it's selfish to think so but.. don't know. Everyone has their own life ne? A life that needed not a ...

Saturday, December 25, 2004


sighh.. boring.. how come nyx always does so much question thingy? geee..

1. What's ur name? ...
2. How old r u? 15yrs 10mths 29/30 days
3. Do you have any nickname? none of your business. oh. yuki/charcoal
4. When was your first love? ...
5. First kiss? it stinks.
6. How tall are you? hmph. how tall ARE you anyway?
7. How many ex gf/bf do u have? urusei
8. Sour, spicy or sweet? anything is fine
9. What would u do when you are free? am i EVER free? well. go online
10. Hobbies? computer
11. Do you club? No.
13. What are ur fav magazines? *raise eyebrow*
14. Are u a drinker? I will be one. d-a just wait and see.
15. How much money will u bring when u r out? Depends on the situation.
16. Car, diamond or money? Money = car = diamond. I have no need for diamond.
17. What brand of phone are you using now? *smirk*
18. Coffeebean or starbucks? This is not neccessary
19. Where do you stay? On earth. that, you can garantee
20. What is your favourite food? *raise an eyebrow* chocolate. chocolate icecream.
22. Chocolate, Sweets or cake? Chocolate.
23. Can your ears move? It is not needed.
24. Do you dye your hair? *stare* no.
25. What languages do you speak? english, mandrin, mostly.
26. How many phones in your house? They don't have to work to be called phones. Around 8.
27. How many toilets? two.
28. When u are doing ur business in the toilet,what do you think about? I think what i'm thinking about that moment.
29. Do you swim? I prefer sinking. The waterbed is beautiful.
30. Do you gamble? *stare*
31. What is your favourite sport? shut up
32. Love, techno or classical? hn. Does it matter?
33. What is your favourite drink? None
34. What is your temper? ...
35. What kind of person are you? ... you won't ever know
36. What would you wear when you go to bed? Leather. heh. just kidding. pajyamas.
37. What is the 1st thing to do when you wake up? Think.
38. Do you eat breakfast? Depends on the situation
39. Favourite tv shows? zwj's shows. olden shows
40. Who do you want to meet? anime characters, alive. wait. can i meet jesus? well.. maybe not.
41. Where do you like to go? I'll go where nyx go. *tagging behind*
43. Do you wear specs? *glare* Yours eyes are failing too. It is, right now.
44. When is ur birthday This is unneccessary.
45. Do you buy branded goods?? It doesn't matter
46. How many hours do u spend talking on the phone? between a minute a day till three hours a day. today's a minute
48. If a guy or a lady want to know u as friend, would u give ur number to them? If they're sincere. I doubt it, just kick their ***
49. Do u watch romantic movies? .... yes.
50.Do u watch Indonesian dramas? ...
51.Do you trust ur frens in ur frenlist ? Probably.
52, Who are your best frens ? *smirk* prying now, are we?
53.Do you feel like hitting someone now ? Now that you mentioned it. *smack* idiot.
54.Why u wanna hit that someone ? It's you, not someone.
55.Are u in love with someone now ? I'm in love with my friends. *snort* heero/duo/yuki/sanzo. happy?
56.Empty? Am I ever not?
57.Angry now ? Not actually.

Friday, December 24, 2004


chiisana omoidetachi ryoute ippai kakaete
holding all the small memories with both hands
anata dake omotteru
i'm only thinking of you
sonna toki ga ureshii
those moments make me happy
donna ni hanaretemo
no matter how far apart are we
aisuru kimochi wa itsu demo
my feelings of love for you
anata no tonari ni sotto yorisotteiru
always draw me closer to you
sou kesshite owaru koto no nai
that's right, because a found a
hontou no ai mitsuketa kara
true love that will never disappear
zutto zutto soba ni imasu
i swore that i will always be by your side
chikatta aoi sora
under the blue sky

[got this song from some anime!]


just finished writing my commonwealth essay, The experiment. It has like, 2767 words and 14848 characters. It's a coincidence for the weird word count! hee.. me and my exaggerated story. It doesn't even make sense.

just like it

do you know this pain? So alluring, so beautiful. It hurts so much, seeping into your wounds, yet it can't be resisted. Once, twice, stain. It is always this satisfying, hurting from the very depth, no. No one can stop it, it just hurts, there. kokoro. do you know this pain? I'm addicted, yes, addicted to it. It is definitely better, when you have the control, the very control. Did anyone tell you, this pain, more than physical pain, more than anything? This pain, enough to numb out every other thing. This pain, enough for one to just dig their hearts out using their bare hands? This pain, I couldn't feel. This pain, this shame. Did I say so. This pain, drives me mad. Did anyone tell you that cutting feels good? I never tried before, so I won't know. This pain, it leaves no evidence, the best job. This pain, is the only way I knew how to cry, is the only thing I would cry for. When it comes, it never go away. This pain, it's a beauty. It makes me dig. Did I say I like to scratch? It's a wonder it never bleeds. This pain, I recognised since I was eight, this pain, comes back after. The shame, comes back years later. The beauty of hatred, I could not forget. Why did it take one so long to recognise things? I never knew. This pain, is a shame when others kiss it. For I do not have full control of it, it still hurts when other kiss it. But yet so, i'm addicted, in the same way I'm addicted to the others.
Did I tell anyone? I hope my family was never there. Well, what I meant is, I hope my family dies. Literally. Did I say, I'm evil? Psychotic too. If they dies, there would be no connection anymore. No burdens, no, nothing. Did I ever said, it would be interesting if I had gone insane one day, not that I aren't mad enough. It would be good, I would probably feel so good. But then I would die later. For pride do not allow weakness to substain, and I do not allow weakness to sustain. And thus, after this post would be shame. Weakness is a shame, I think. Do you? Well, I don't think that other's weakness is a shame. No I don't. Cowardice is a shame too, but if i look, look. Others have their own fears too. Who am I to judge. Give me a life, for I live no life of my own. I live in people's soul, in people's emotions. i react how they do, feel what they feel. The pain, I crave, and the love of the end, appeases my own soul. Appeases my own soul living in people. Living on people who aren't real. Who are not even real. Did I say I would love to be able to hallucinate? Not hallucinating monsters and devils I meant, hallucinating about things that could create this pain. Live by this pain, living by it. Now that I would think about it, I knew. One thing I have always been searching, just like others do. The one thing I am still searching, but never truely finding. For this is what I would like, it would probably be the only thing that could do. I wonder if I am right in my very evaluation, or mere light thinking. Daydreaming is good you know? You get carried off into your very own dreamland. It can go anywhere you want it to. I think thinking is also called daydreaming. That's how I called it anyway. Did I ever say, I don't feel? Sometimes I do, but sometimes, it is just this emptiness. No sadness, nor happiness. This emptiness, for I began to crave the pain. It doesn't feel good, I promise. But it is satisfying. But I don't cry using this pain, no I don't. It makes no sense if I'm crying for nothing. No sense at all, there isn't any reason. What could one cry for without a reason? There isn't a reason to do that if no one is going to be there, well, no one is even there in the first place. Did I say, this pain makes it hard to breathe? When it hurts too much you simply couldn't breathe. Couldn't breathe at all. That's when I learnt scratching, but it doesn't help much when it hurts too much too. When it hurts too much, you would want to scream. Not one when you're fustrated or sad, or angry. It is one where you scream from the excruciating pain that wouldn't stop. I think if you start screaming you won't be able to stop till.. maybe everything ends. I don't know because I never tried before. I think it might b e better if I had, though. But I have a feeling, after that would be pure emptiness, coldness. So, don't try it. Did I say.. each of the few times after that, there are only two results? Either I would feel like breaking or, feel absolutely nothing at all. Breaking is never a choice though, no one is ever there, so it is pure stupidity and shame. oOh. I love this pain. Well, when it doesn't hurt too much to lose control. I indulge in it. I hope that, years down the road even still, I would still be sane. Which would be most likely true, pride have no space for weaknesses. Show no weaknesses and terminate all evidence. If only I could do that. I still love this pain. "I'm only happy when it rains"

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


reading stuff again... -sigh- life is boOring
A concussion results from the brain being battered or violently shaken. Typically, it is followed by a alteration in consciousness. That is, the person is knocked out, loses consciousness, or remains conscious, but appears dazed, witless, disoriented. The term concussion is often used interchangeably with the terms: head injury, mild brain injury, head dinged, or bell rung. It is important to note that a blow to the head is not required for brain damage to occur.

Concussion Symptoms.
Early symptoms of concussion include headache; dizziness or vertigo; lack of awareness of surroundings; and nausea and vomiting. Late symptoms of concussion include: persistent low-grade headache, lightheadedness, poor attention and concentration, memory dysfunction, difficulty doing simple math, difficulty finding words, slowed reaction time, fatiguability, irritability and low frustration threshold, intolerance of bright lights, difficulty focusing vision, intolerance of loud noises, occasional ringing in the ears, anxiety, depression, mood swings, and sleep disturbances


Q.What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD?
A. Not long ago, post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, was known as "shell shock" or "battle fatigue." The older terms came into popular use during World War II. Back then, PTSD was thought to affect only combat veterans. Now, scientist know that, in fact, survivors of atrocities such as the Holocaust, torture, rape, domestic violence, child abuse, war, natural disasters, catastrophic illnesses, and horrific accidents, are susceptible to post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD.
In medicine, the word "Post" is used as a prefix meaning behind or after. The word "Traumatic or Trauma" refers to a catastrophic or horrific event. It usual involves actual injury or threatened death. The term "disorder" has to do with a pathological condition of the mind or body.
It was once thought that PTSD was limited to direct victims of trauma. It is now known that even witnesses of traumatic events can suffer PTSD. Such trauma can result in a defining psychological experience that evokes feelings of panic, grief and helplessness. Trauma of great magnitude shatters a person's basic assumption about the world and personal safety, leaving the person feeling alienated and distrustful, or else overly clinging.
PTSD Features. It should be noted that a trauma is qualitatively different from the "stressors" associated with everyday "life events." The primary difference between a trauma and more or less normal "life events" is one of degree or magnitude. For example, Traumas include: earthquakes, massive flooding, wars and extreme brutality. While "stresses" are limited to common "life events" such as divorce, failure, illness, job changes, dislocation, unexpected wealth or fortune and so on.
Who gets PTSD. Not everyone who survives a traumatic event will succome to PTSD. Differences in reactions seem to depend on individual ability to cope with catastrophic stress. Consequently, different people handle it differently. Some seem to shake it off with little or no apparent effects; while others develop the full-blown syndrome with may symptoms.
Flashbacks and nightmares, avoidance behaviors and emotional numbing characterize the syndrome. In fact, scientists now believe that PTSD is relatively common. An estimated 3 to 10 percent of American's are thought to suffer from PTSD.
Delayed on-set of PTSD. While most victims exhibit signs of PTSD immediately following a disaster; others may not become symptomatic for many months or even years after a disaster. In any event, PTSD can become a chronic psychiatric disorder that persists for decades and in some cases; last a lifetime.
Causes of PTSD. PTSDis caused by an experience of loss and is usually linked to an extraordinary situation. A diagnosis of PTSD is usually limited to those who have actually lived through a traumatic experience.
Symptoms. Other diagnostic criterion for PTSD, include 1) intrusive memories or vivid flashbacks of the experience, 2) avoidance behaviors, 3) hyperarousal symptoms, and 4) persistence of these symptoms for at least one month.
Intrusive symptoms might include daytime fantasies, traumatic nightmares, and even vivid breaks with reality. When such symptoms of "re-experiencing" occur, people naturally try to avoid or suppress them. In extreme cases, the individual refuse to leave the house out of fear of coming across reminders of the trauma.
Some victims avoid all situations that might remind them of the trauma. And, sometimes they even manage to avoid or blunt their emotions as well. Many times such blunting interferes with or prevents close ties with family and friends.
Typically, PTSD victims suffer from insomnia and irritability, as well as from hypervigilance. Such symptoms are thought to result from a condition known as hyperarousal. Victims often show an exaggerated startle reaction, which is due to actual neurobiological changes within the nervous system.
PTSD victims may also have trouble concentrating or remembering current information. And, because of their chronic hyperarousal, do poorly at school, work, and in relationships. People with PTSD often try to resolve conflicts by withdrawing emotionally, or even by becoming violent. And, because theycan't tolerate strong emotions they become adept at ignoring their feelings. This emotional numbing makes it difficult for them to participate meaningfully in relationships.

common dreams

Chase or Attack.
These dreams stem from feelings of fear, stress or anxiety in your waking life. Instead of confronting the situation, you are running away and avoiding it. The pursuer or attacker who is chasing you in your dream may represent a part of yourself – anger, jealousy, fear, love or self-destructive behavior – which subconsciously threatens or jeopardizes your relationships and careers.

Falling dream.
Falling is an indication of anxieties, instabilities and insecurities. It often reflects a sense of failure or inferiority. You may be feeling overwhelmed, weighed down, unsupported and out of control in your waking life.

Taking an exam.
This indicates that you are being anxious, distressed and frustrated about other people’s expectations of you. These dreams usually have something to do with your self-esteem and confidence, or the lack of it.


The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Teens
Lack of sufficient sleep has been a rampant problem among teens today. Researches have shown that sleep problems puts them at great risk for emotional disturbance, school difficulties, accidents and psychopathology.
Presently, adolescents get only an average of seven hours of sleep. From an average of 10 hours a night during middle childhood, their hours of sleep decline to fewer than 7.5 hours by age 16.
Teens today are involved with more activities. They struggle with their academic loads and pressures, domestic affairs, relationships, social activities and engagements, part-time or sometimes even full-time jobs.
They also tend to watch television or surf the Internet until late in the night or until the wee hours of dawn. They also have various video and computer games which take up most of their times.
Teenagers generally require considerably more sleep than do younger children or adults. Starting around puberty to their early 20s, they need about 9.2 hours of sleep every night to perform optimally during the day. But this is not to be the case for the teens today.
With sleep deprivation, their safety is greatly jeopardized. According to the National highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than half of the 1,000 traffic accidents are caused by young drivers who are either driving drowsy or fatigued.
Reports have shown that there are 100,000 police-reported crashes that are the direct result of drowsy driving or driver fatigue each year. This results in an estimated 1,550 deaths, 71,000 injuries and $12.5 billion in monetary losses.
It also appears that teens with insufficient sleep frequently have disciplinary problems and troubles understanding, concentrating and memorizing in class. According to a research, almost half of the students who begin school at 7:20 AM were found to be “pathologically sleepy” during the day, displaying similar patterns shown by patients with narcolepsy.
Another research revealed that students who have 25 minutes less sleep and go to bed 40 minutes later were mostly getting C’s, D’s and F’s. This only indicates that there is a direct connection between the number of hours that teenagers sleep and their performance at school.
Lack of sleep also affects adolescent’s emotions and behavior. Sleep-deprived teens are vulnerable to psychopathologies such as depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and have difficulty controlling their emotions and impulses.
To address these escalating problems, researchers have now started to push for school changes and public outreach before teen’s sleeping behavior gets out of hand.


do you suffer from PTSD, formally called post traumatic stress disorder? do you suffer from..
-Headaches, aches and pains from joints
-Feeling tired and lethargic
-Finding it impossible to concentrate, inability to complete simple tasks
-Poor memory and concentration
-A total lack of energy

-Irritability, inability to relax, disturbed sleep

Take this ptsd test! Just answer yes or no to each of the questions. No need to jot down, there are no results.

Have you experienced or witnessed a life-threatening event that caused intense fear, helplessness or horror?
Repeated, distressing memories and/or dreams?
Acting or feeling as if the event was happening again? (flashbacks or re-living it).
Intense physical and/or emotional distress when you are exposed to things that remind you of the event?
Do you avoid reminders of the event and feel numb, compared to the way you felt before?
Do you avoid thoughts, feelings and conversations about the event?
Do you avoid activities, places or people who remind you of it?
Have you blanked on parts of the detail?
Are you losing interest in significant activities in your life?
Are you feeling detached from other people?
Do you feel as if your range of emotions is restricted?
Do you feel as if your future is diminished in terms of marriage, children or a normal life span?
Problems sleeping?
Irritability or outbursts of anger?
Problems concentrating?
Feeling 'on-guard'?
An exaggerated startle response?
Have you experienced changes in sleeping or eating habits?

More days than not, do you feel:
Sad or Depressed?
Disinterested in life?
Worthless or guilty?

If you have answered to more than five of the following, or even more, you are suffering from PTSD and would require help for the best.


don't care about that. long forgotten. only wanted something else. why is it it keeps coming back. why doesn't it go away. is it something that stays. is it only a reason. no meaning. nothing. why won't it go away. it is nothing. it shouldn't be bothered. it is messed up. messed up living in fantasy. not reality. in an illusion. long clouded.

scrambled IV

as pure and empty as anything
it needs nothing
takes nothing
and gives nothing

When it gets dirty,
Would you wash it off?
When it gets muddy,
Would you wash it off?
What if it wouldn't go away?
What if it soils again upon the ground
Even grime is livelier than dirt is


-sigh- fear. who th' it hold? It's none of my business.. i didn't even write those. -sigh-

Worry is a form of fear, and all forms of fear produce fatigue. A man who has learned not to feel fear will find the fatigue of daily life enormously diminished. = Russell Bertrand

Take stock of your fears now and see how many of them are senseless. If you are honest with yourself you will probably find most of them are groundless. = Dale Carnegie

Extreme terror gives us back the gestures of our childhood. = Chazal

Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light? = Maurice Freehill

Many people are so filled with fear that they go through life running from something that is not after them. = Author Unknown

Monday, December 20, 2004


sigh~ i changed the song again. Except that now it is a midi. It's chrno cross's time scar. =D

Sunday, December 19, 2004

l a i n

To die is only abandoning your body.
Why do people live?
People keep their bodies only to continue satisfying desires of the flesh.
I have only abandoned my body.
-serial experiments lain.


sigh` stomach teels funny now. hm. have been trying to make a new site for the past hours. argh.. irritating stuff. now it looks all ugly and 'mush'. hmph. and it takes time to load! sigh. gck. stomach cramping. oh well~

Saturday, December 18, 2004

quiz II

second quiz!! reaction ... O.O
Your Beauty lies in Sadness. Lonely, depressed and feeling broken. For whatever reason, you see this world only for the bad that it holds carrying the burdens of yourself and others. Some people like to be with you and your unique vantage point when they are down, you are someone who can sympathize withthem. But you find yourself alone again when they seem to find a solution and are happy again, yet you still are stuck in this rut. Do not worry, you will make it out at some time. Everyone does, if you try. When you are seen all others want to do is make your pain go away, but that is something only you can do. You probably keep to yourself a lot and don't like to let people in, afraid to be hurtagain. You feel empty and helpless and your looks reflect that, often seenwith tears in your eyes.

Some things
That Represent You:

Element: Dark, Earth
Animal: Robin
Color: Grays, Blacks, Dark Colors
Song: Tourniquet by Evanescence
Expression: Tearful Frown
Gemstone: Aquamarine
Mythological Creature: Spirit, Gargoyle
Planet: Mercury
Hair Color: Blue-Black
Eye Color: Gray
Quote: "Am I too lost to be saved?"

Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
brought to you by


Your element is Rain: Sad, lonely, distant and unique. You are quite distant from emotion and people, but you have been made this way by one thing or another. You are truly unique yet fail to see it, and are quite creative be it in art, music, writing, ect.. You used to let people in now you don't even bother to try having been hurt so many times in the past. Your attitude is that you don't need anyone but yourself, people are just trouble waiting to happen. But you really do want to trust someone no matter if you see it or not, deep down your waiting for someone to come and set you free. This kindof depression can turn dangerous, don't let them get to you. Not everyone in the world will hurt you, humans are humans and are not perfect. So most likely sooner or later you'll meet someone who feels like you do and perhaps your shell will eventually disappear.
.:-What is your true element?-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by


hmm... can't remember when i wrote this for fun.. hehe.. kinda mean though =^-^= but then.. hmm.. *snicker* better hope that *points* doesn't read it. I shall put up others too soon! *grins*

hit the wheel! this is mad. she grumbles too much, she complains excessively, she hides from obscenities, violence, dangers, and sources of her nightmares. She gives excuses, mumbles non-coherent stuff, elaborates too much, and talks about how a crack in a wall could be interesting. And there, she holds on to her possessions, demands comfort, looks into your face and boast about herself, stuffs her pocket full of items, and thinks that she knows you very well. She wonders too much, questions the non-existent questions and thinks you doubt her word. Fascinated by the littlest of littlest of things. And all in all, turns over and hands a box of your favourite snack into your face with the sweetest gesture. there.. oh well, sigh~ how irritating could it be.


hmm..listening to break through now.. just wondering, when will the tide cease. It have been so long already, how long can it last till it slowly fades into nothingness. how long exactly. what has changed over time, how has it changed between. is it still that spark of fire, or has it gone out. maybe.. nothing has changed, just a twisted mind toying with things, screwing things till there isn't any clear definition. maybe it is just nothing. but, when will the tide go down. will it last so long as the sun takes to set? will it wait till the season's over? sigh-

trying to make up some chibi faces just now, while thinking of yaoi and stuff that goes.. #^.^# hohoho! can't believe that i did that kind of stuff.

(#"#)oo(^.~) h e . t a s t e d . g o o d
(*-*)oO(" /) j u s t . g o t . m y . p e c k

Friday, December 17, 2004


serial experiments lain
gundam wing
ghost in the shell ova1
chrono trigger ova
ai yori aoshi enishi


once upon a time, I met a thief. He told me to give him my money or he will kill me. I was surprised for a moment and told him to take it himself but return me my wallet. It had only two dollars in it. Desperate, he took my wallet and ran away.

once upon a time, I met a burgler. He was busy fiddling with my computer wires and did not see me there. I asked him if he would like a scissors to work out faster. He nodded before realising i'm there. I gave him one and asked him to leave my scissors behind when he is done, i will need it for my art. He stared at me before scrambling away.

once upon a time, I met a rapist. He cornered me, it was snowing so I told him. Could you leave my clothes 'untouched'? I would need to after he is done, it is cold in winter time. He looked confused and suddenly broke down. He told me that his father used to rape his mother, so he took it up too.

once upon a time, I met a popular high schooler. She is very pretty and have many friends. She was just cuddling on the ground alone. When I asked her what happened, she said that she took up drugs with her friends and her parents found so, so she was thrown out. I told her she could apologise but she said she want to stay popular. She was afraid of loneliness.

once upon a time, I met a crippled dog. One of it's hindleg was missing. I fed it food and let it follow me around. The next time I met a small group of gangsters, the crippled dog barked and stood beside me. After that, I heard many other barking sounds. The gangsters backed away almost instantly.

the last time I went out and saw a begger in a corner deserted. I went up to him and gave him a dollar. I wonder if he is too scared of facing people that he had to even hid away while begging for money. I went home that day and told my teddy bear that everyone seems to have a problem which affects their action and fell asleep.

scrambled III

oh man! *smack!* this is so insane! i was just thinking about one really insane fic i ever tried reading. so it came out #^$%^$ too. sigh~ maybe i should just keep it private. it doesn't make sense at all, yet it seems nice blabbering again nonsense. heh. oh well~ sigh again~ don't read it. no one should. because well it is really stupid and mad.

I was going home one day
I was going home to kill myself
I met a girl on the street
A girl no older than ten
She asked me if I am lost
I laughed and answered almost automatically
Using heero's quote I said
I have been lost since the day I was born
She smiled and wish me goodluck
Goodluck to find my way home soon.
As I turned to leave the girl called again
She said that she was actually lost
I asked her if she needed help
But she smiled in return and ran off
I had forgotten to kill myself that day

A long time after.
I was going home from school
I was going home for dinner.
I met the girl again
Only that she had longer hair,
and more tattered clothes
She waved to me and I went over
She was hugging a teddy bear.
I asked her if she had found her parents yet
But she only smiled further
And told me what I wouldn't believe my ears
she said 'I had lost my innocence' and grinned
I looked at her in disbelief gaped
She held out the teddy bear to me and continued
'I had lost my innocence since the day I died'

'since the day I killed my own parents'
'since the day I met the guy who wanted no money'
'not death, not blood, not anything.'
'but the insanity of enjoying other's pain'
'he kicked my father and tied him to the bedpost'
'he told me if I could hit the apple above my father's head,'
'he will let us go'
'he gave me a gun and asked me to aim'
'I was scared to death, i was trembling'
'I did not know what to do'
'My mother was tied by behind me'
'My father infront of me'
'I was so very scared. so very shocked. i was only five'
'my mother was crying and begging. my father asked me to shoot'
'but i was scared.'
'the moment a plane rushed overhead i shot. missed'
'the man grinned and help me to aim. he asked me to help'
'help end my father's suffering'
'so i shot. it went right through my father's heart.'
'i wasn't crying. i was too shock. i was hoping'
'just hoping that it is all of a nightmare. hoping the man will go'
'hoping my father will wake up. hoping to be in front of the television'
'watching cartoons happily oblivious to anything'
'the man was laughing. he looked.mad.'
'I could hear my mother's cries. i was still, couldn't move'
'when the man walked over to my mother, the cries became louder.'
'but there's only silence in my mind'
'when he is done with my mother, he held the gun to me again'
'so i killed my mother, in exchange for my freedom'
'but he took me in. so i began killing people for him'
'I lost my innocence that day. and ever since.'

For the longest time in my life, i laughed.
I laughed real hard. I laughed at the irony,
I laughed at everything.
I laughed at what happened, I laugh at the bloodshed.
For once, I knew I was not normal.
So i asked her, if she was here to kill me too
She just grinned again and said that
she just wanted to give me the bear, her bear
So I took and head home.
That very night I lost my sanity
That very night I lost everything

scrambled II

I love you
for who you are
for who you were

I love you
the way you smile
the way you laugh
the way you dance by the moonlight

I love you
the day you were born
as our fates entwined
bounded together for eternity

I love you
your innocence
your love
your cheerfulness
your happiness

I love you
the way you cried
the way you blabber on non stop
the way you felt in my arms
when you fell asleep sobbing

the tears glistening
as you mumbled in your sleep

I love you
for your stabborn-ness
for your determination
for your vulnerability

I love you
when you blush
when you scream at me
when you throws a tamtrum

the way you never fails
to bring a smile on my face

I love you,
for who you are,
for who you were,
the moment you're born,
the moment you knew me.

I love all about you,
As you knew all about me

I will love you forever
I will love you when you betray me
I will love you when you shot me
I will love you when you leave me bleeding

So please..
love me too
even if it is just a little
a little will do

Loving you, forever

oOOO lame~!! hahaa.. what's wrong with me!? sigh~ don't worry.. this is for no one. sigh~


did i hear your cries
too drowned in my own sorrows
did i see your pain
blind to anything but myself
do you cry to sleep
hearing the faint whispers of the night
why didn't i hear you
when you're so near
why didn't i see you
when you're right in front of me
bastardised by selfishness

could i hold you tonight
all warm and fuzzy
calm your fears ease the loneliness
hoping i could be there
there from the start
i'm sorry i couldn't hear
i'm sorry i couldn't see
just wishing to hold you tonight
to share your suffering
to share your every drop of tear

anato o daisuki desu
zutto zutto tomodachi

hmm...arhhh! what the * am i typing! i'm talking to an imaginary person, well.. heh. just needed to type that kinda thing to get it off my mind. *arranging thoughts and emotions* something's off the key today, something feels weird. sigh. well.. doesn't everyday feel weird anyway? hmm..

Thursday, December 16, 2004


when the angels' cry
and the heavens weep,
and the tears of the dead
threaten to drown me.
when you love me,
this is where I will be...

[!!taken from a fic. not mine again. *sighs mentally*]


ooo!! i gotcha the neko's results! She says that it's 'rough' one.. but hmm.... *eyes suspiciously* i bet it's not! hehe.. lalaa~

Paranoid: High
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Very
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


here's my kawaii heero!! *grins happily*

well.. he's saying omae o korosu there, which means I'll kill you. and i just realised that heero means one and it is pronounce in japanese as he-e-ro [hair-a-rou] eeks.. but somehow i prefer calling heero!


*sigh* once again.. boOring. oOO! Nakago looks like Yuki here! Yuki~! *shuichi hops out* hehe..

see! hah. oh yea.. hmm.. more pictures.. umm.. let me see

awww... it's a duo plushie.. i want one too! With heero~! *grins* hmm.. wonder if i can try to make one too some day. some velvet cloth.. nice strings for the braid um.. hee!


*sigh* let me read up what those weird words mean..

Disorder Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

URL of the test:
URL for more info:

Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives. People with this disorder tend to have excessive trust in their own knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close relationships with others. They search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others. They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends and loved ones and often appear cold and distant to others. They usually shift blame to others and tend to carry long grudges.

People with schizoid personality disorder avoid relationships and do not show much emotion. They genuinely prefer to be alone and do not secretly wish for popularity. They tend to seek jobs that require little social contact. Their social skills are often weak and they do not show a need for attention or acceptance. They are perceived as humorless and distant and often are termed "loners."

Many believe that schizotypal personality disorder represents mild schizophrenia. The disorder is characterized by odd forms of thinking and perceiving, and individuals with this disorder often seek isolation from others. They sometimes believe to have extra sensory ability or that unrelated events relate to them in some important way. They generally engage in eccentric behavior and have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. Their speech is often over elaborate and difficult to follow.

A common misconception is that antisocial personality disorder refers to people who have poor social skills. The opposite is often the case. Instead, antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of conscience. People with this disorder are prone to criminal behavior, believing that their victims are weak and deserving of being taken advantage of. They tend to lie and steal. Often, they are careless with money and take action without thinking about consequences. They are often agressive and are much more concerned with their own needs than the needs of others

Borderline personality disorder is characterized by mood instability and poor self-image. People with this disorder are prone to constant mood swings and bouts of anger. Often, they will take their anger out on themselves, causing themselves injury. Suicidal threats and actions are not uncommon. They think in very black and white terms and often form intense, conflict-ridden relationships. They are quick to anger when their expectations are not met.

People with histrionic personality disorder are constant attention seekers. They need to be the center of attention all the time, often interrupting others in order to dominate the conversation. They use grandiose language to discribe everyday events and seek constant praise. They may dress provacatively or exaggerate illnesses in order to gain attention. They also tend to exaggerate friendships and relationships, believing that everyone loves them. They are often manipulative.

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by self-centeredness. Like histrionic disorder, people with this disorder seek attention and praise. They exaggerate their achievements, expecting others to recongize them as being superior. They tend to be choosy about picking friends, since they believe that not just anyone is worthy of being their friend. They tend to make good first impressions, yet have difficulty maintaining long-lasting relationships. They are generally uninterested in the feelings of others and may take advantage of them.

Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by extreme social anxiety. People with this disorder often feel inadequate, avoid social situations, and seek out jobs with little contact with others. They are fearful of being rejected and worry about embarassing themselves in front of others. They exaggerate the potential difficulties of new situations to rationalize avoiding them. Often, they will create fantasy worlds to substitute for the real one. Unlike schizoid personality disorder, avoidant people yearn for social relations yet feel they are unable to obtain them. They are frequently depressed and have low self-confidence.

Dependent personality disorder is characterized by a need to be taken care of. People with this disorder tend to cling to people and fear losing them. They may become suicidal when a break-up is imminent. They tend to let others make important decisions for them and often jump from relationship to relationship. They often remain in abusive relationships. They are overly sensitive to disapproval. They often feel helpless and depressed.

Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder is similar to obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder. People with this disorder are overly focused on orderliness and perfection. Their need to do everything "right" often interferes with their productivity. They tend to get caught up in the details and miss the bigger picture. They set unreasonably high standards for themselves and others, and tend to be very critical of others when they do not live up to these high standards. They avoid working in teams, believing others to be too careless or incompetent. They avoid making decisions because they fear making mistakes and are rarely generous with their time or money. They often have difficulty expressing emotion.

Monday, December 13, 2004


soo tired now.. it's four, fourty two already. can't seem to find that song i've been searching for. sigh- why do people hate him or the song so much? -sigh- adrenaline level slipping already.. fed on it for too long. shall go read the seiran.. something tomorrow.. they said that that manga is a special one for looking deeper into each character's past.. wanna know.. or find out more. ...sigh.. daydreaming away.. stupid hentai freak.. hope i dream of something nice today.. ...


Aishikata wo shiranai n' da
Aisareta koto ga nai kara

translated as:
I don't know how to love
I have never been loved


sayuru! how could they do this to him!!!? doshite..whyy!?? ....... that hentai ero!! nooooooooooooooooooo *go berserk* noooooo... doshite.. doshite!!? *choke and starts wailing* and there's no redemption, no resolution? NOOOO! it can't end like this!! *runs off* wahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *glomps heero and duo* why didn't anyone save him!?? whyyy!!??? noooooo... noo! wahhhh!!!!! kisama!!!!


a bug just fell on my head. a heavy bug. lucky for me to feel it's weight. tilted my head for it to fall. eww. lingering feeling. brr

Sunday, December 12, 2004


ooo change song again.. urm in less that ten minutes perhaps? It's still from last exile.. but a sadder song i guess. only towards the end do they have vocal. kind of weird. i like this song! *grins* oh yea.. it's called [lost friend] lalaa~ nice songss.. sad songs.. whoohoo~ but then.. it seems kind of a peaceful song nahh


Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you judge them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

cloud age symphony

last exile's opening song. sounds like on a jet plane when i hear the song. whoo~ i'm flying~! hmm.. okay.. the english and roman lyric. arhh..! o.o my own eyes are spoiling so i'd better enlarge the font a little. *sheepish grin*

cloud age symphony
just keep on trying, keep on flying
I will be the light
Yoake wo hitotsu no hajimari to suru nara
Ima ga kurubeki toki da to suru nara
Me wo akete irareru to omou
Itsuka kimi ni mita kibou ni nita shou he
Mayoi wo hitotsu no kagayaki to suru ni ha
Ten to ten wo tsunaide ten takaku tatsu ni ha
Kimi to no Cloud Age Symphony
Kumo no umi no mukou ni hikari ga sasu hou he
Mahou no you na isshun ni aeru no ka?
Tsumetai yo wo hikikae ni
Futari ha habataite
Eien wo tsukamu sono hate ni ha..........
Sekai ha hiroi seikai wo hiroi aoi sora ni mau
Hi wo matoinoboritsume fukai biito wo utsu
Kotae ha Cloud Age Symphony
Kumo no umi wo kimi to hikari ga sasu hou he
Mahou no you na isshun wo hikikae ni
Hohoemu kyou wo tenohira ni
Ippai no yoake wo
Eien wo tsukamu sono hate ni ha..........
Mahou no you na isshun wo hikikae ni
Hohoemu kyou wo tenohira ni
Ippai no yoake wo
Eien wo..........
beautiful Cloud Age Symphony


Just keep on trying, keep on flying
I will be the light
If we take the dawn as a single beginning
If we take now as the time that must come
I think that I can open my eyes
To the chapter that resembled hope that I once saw with you
In taking hesitation as a single sparkle
In connecting dots to dots and standing tall in the heavens
The Cloud Age Symphony with you
To the side where light shines on the other side of the sea of clouds
Will we be able to meet in a magic-like moment?
Conversely, the two of us will flap
Through the cold night
And seize eternity at that extremity..........
The world is wide, and I find the correct interpretation and dance in the blue sky
I don and am engrossed in fire, and strike out a deep beat
The answer is the Cloud Age Symphony
To the side where the light shines with you on the sea of clouds
Conversely, I’ll seize the magic-like moment
The smiling today in my palm
The full dawn
And eternity at that extremity..........
Conversely, the magic-like moment
The smiling today in my palm
The full dawn
And eternity..........
beautiful Cloud Age Symphony

If we hold on together

hmm.. i took the lyric from hana's diary! Dedicated to.. my kirei friends! *grins*

If We Hold On Together
Don't lose your way
With each passing day
You're come so far
Don't throw it away

Live believing
Dreams are for wearing
Wonders are waiting to start

Live your story,
Faith,hope and glory
Hold to the truth in your heart

Chorus :
If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
When clouds roll by
For you and I

Souls in the wind
must learn how to bend
Seek out a star
Hold on till the end

Valley, mountain,
There is a fountain
Washes our tears all away

Words are swaying,
Someone is praying
Please let us come home to stay


When we are out there in the dark
We'll dream about the sun
In the dark we'll feel the light
Warm our hearts, everyone

If we hold on together
I know our dreams
Will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
As high as souls can fly
The clouds roll by
For you and....I


-going insane every minute. again- no more fics for me. can't seem to find anymore heero duo 2x1 fic that is.. well.. sigh. I WANT MY DAILY SUPPLY OF FOOD. I NEED THEM. NEED THEM. filling the sadistic or whatsoever part of mine. filling. filling. maybe because i know.. in those that i read, duo is always there with the thing 'love' i guess.'s stupid typing it anyway. wish i can just lie down on my bed and sleep now and then. sleep forever and forever. not caring about anyone, anything. not having to face anyone, anything, any feeling, or whatsoever. besides eating my father's food is getting to be a chore. why is it that i used to eat it for dinner and now it tastes like some weird stuff? I can taste it.. know it probably taste good somehow. but perhaps something is missing, it isn't good at all. just wish i could stop eating. it's not like i needed the food anyway. i don't even move much, don't need the energy. oh yea.. duo.. hmm.. there's this time, was reading another fic.. it's ok demo.. the ending is horrible. i didn't even want to read the epiloge at all. Well because it seemed that heero and duo were not together. i'm like ehhh.... nani!? doshite!?? and then i freaked out and heh.. i kept a distance from that fic till a week ago. i like the starting part though.. it's nice.. the middle is okay.. but after the *beeeeep* is horrid. horrid. how could anyone grow tired of that? how can?? *boof* if only i could change the ending myself.. but. nah.. can't . thats it. sighhh sleeepp.. whyy. noooo.. heero and duo should always be together. must. it's a must. sigh~ ignorance is a bliss. stupidly evaluating my own thinking and emotions. just a mere robot aren't I. can't seem to help it. [ある時幸せだけ - i'm happy when you are] my friend gave it to me cause.. well. but i don't like a flutter of happiness. it leaves nothing in the end, only more emptiness that waits for me fill out with those fics i read, or the most i read. emptiness is scary. you can't feel anything. nor happy, sad.. sorrowful.. or well.. anything. it's stupid. in the end, i just create whatever emotion is want. it could even change in a blink of an eyelid. But well.. maybe it's good. controlling yourself. full control heh. i'm sooo pervertised.. like that woman. so pervertised. it makes me sick. i'm just another of that creation, all that's left. i used to daydream about.. hoping it would come true.. but this is singapore right? maybe.. a part of my mind tells me that with that.. maybe.. i can gain.. all i wanted. if only.. but it is impossible isn't it. impossible. daydreaming.. if only i can be that person.. hoping.. but i know too. impossible. that *beeeep* is enticing the other day i saw it. but i know.. impossible. no way i'll do that. hygiene, dude. .. sigh.. can't that part stop popping up in my mind and let it wander. in june. on the bus to genting. then i don't know what it is.. but now i know. what can it be. to be only able to sleep on the bus was to cling on the the curtain like there's no tomorrow or something. i thought there is mildred. but guess i'm wrong. Sometimes i just realised again.. i've been relying on colleen too much. probably.. it's something to fall on.. don't other people do that. no idea.. perhaps they don't. because they have a family. i don't. there is a bunch of walking zombies living in my house that i do not need to speak more than a sentence to. living zombies. no wonder kumo says it's cold. who cares. if not for the word filial piety or conscience i bet the moment i had enough money i'd run off to who knows where. who needs them. i don't need someone who doesn't need me. besides.. they're just a punk of psychos. where're anyone when i'm fucking in hell. where's the man when someone's 'murdering' me. who's the one who told me i hate girls who cry when i ran off. where's anyone at all. looking. or rather ignoring every. everything thats happening. i'm glad i didn't murder that person. i'm glad i've grown older. i'm glad perhaps.. i'm stronger now. how can i love anyone that is like that. they must've forgotten everything that happened before. kisama. but i won't. zettai. like the same way.. that woman thought my brother has forgotten about how she and the man used to beat him up like.. ehh.. hell. bastards. a bunch of mere psychos. well.. including me. who says there aren't side effects. there sure is. stupid side effects. i never knew why they were present till i'm the least thirteen.. never knew.. and only then i realise what it has been called all the years. i bet those two morons heard me last time. i said it out loud. i'm sure.. they're outside right.. they probably heard it. fucking morons. if that woman is going to come out of her room.. i bet i'll .. oh well.. i won't dare anyway. cowardy~ stupid side effects. real stupid. hm. oh yea.. i used the word fuck. hah. fuck all you like. who cares. who the hell cares. moron. -sigh- *change song* oh mean... what was i typing.. *headache* darn... i'll try reading it after the post. sigh.. back's aching. listening to [if we hold on together] *breathe*

Friday, December 10, 2004


look! kumo drew a flower! it's ugly right? *chuckle* oh.. just joking =D *grins* pretty nice lar.. i think.. hmph. but the sun looks O.o

futatsu no negai

[changed song again! =D]

sotto,sotto,hitomi tojite kimi o kanjite iru...

mata kaze ni sasowarete, hitori sora o miageru
aenai yoru wa hoshi ni negai wo kakeru no
honto no watashi nante nare mo wakaranai kedo
koko ni iru kara, matte iru kara, kimi dake wa kizuite

*zutto, zutto, yume o miteru omoi na itsuka to doku youni
sotto, sotto, hitomi tojiru kiete shimawanai de

dare wo omote iru no nani omitsumete iru no
sunao ni nare nai no wa watashi ga yowai kara
kono mama yoru wo koete suguni ai ni yuki tai
moshi garau nara ano toki no yoni
kimi wa waratte kureru no

*motto, motto, yume o misete omoi na toki renai youni
yureru, yureru, kono kokoro wa kimi o sagashite iru

sora wa, kyo wo mo, kataku tooku chiisana jibun wo omou kedo
hoshi mo, yami mo, kaze mo ashita no kimi ni tsuzuite iru


by garbage 'I'm only happy when it rains' why isn't it raining today? That doesn't feel right, it doesn't seem right. Maybe it's going to rain soon. I'm going to make it rain. addiction. i can smell the rain, a little drizzle coming soon. If only it rains soon, if only it rains hard, if only the rain doesn't stop. when the sun will not be up, make it rain. when the rainbow would not appear, make it not stop. Even if it is too much, let the rain pour. hard. real hard. make it not stop. this is my addiction. the daily bread when the sun isn't going to shine. my source of food in kodoku. 'I'm only happy when it rains' Please let it rain and shower away the filth of the earth, dirty.


It is not he who gives abuse that affronts, but the view that we take of it as insulting; so that when one provokes you it is your own opinion, which is provoking. - Epictetus (60 - 120) Roman stoic philosopher

Thursday, December 09, 2004


whoohoo! another song. um.. it's from D.N.Angel again.
Kodou ~Whenever~ -dark's theme-
azayakana hana wo matou you ni mayorita kimi wa tenshi
sono koe ... hohoemi...taka aatte ku mune no kodou
hatasehinaku fukai ai no naka yasashi sato tsuyo sa wo shiru
itami wo iyashite kimi no tameni hane wo hirogeyou
hageshi ame no naka no nobasu yubisaki mienai yami yoru demo kimi wo mitsukeru
itsuka sono te wo hiite iki mo dekinu hodo tsuyoku kimi no koto dakishimeru kara
tozasareta sekai kara habataku yokan to unmei wo mawasu oto ga kikoeru
hoshi mo tsukimo taiyou mo kimi ga hitomi akeru nara kagayaki wo mashite yukudarou
ore no na wo yonde kure kimi ni furisosogu kanashimi wo subete uketomeru kara
ni mo kokoro wo sasagaseyou inochi wo kakete no kimi no hohoemi wo mamori nukitai
a bright flower is falling, you are an angel
that voice... the smile... loud.. Ah! the loneliness in my chest
in the end, deeply inside, you know that love is gentil and strong
the pain and the repugnance for you will be extending along the wings
in the middle of a heavy rain, the finger does not see in the darkness, but it finds you at night
when that hand holds you, i wouldn't be able to breath, it's strong, that's why i will hug you.
From a world that is closing it's wings foreshadows the destiny
which spins
and i can still hear the sound.
the stars, the moon, the sun, even if your eyes open, they would shine that's i think
Call my name. I'll receive all your sadness.
Give your body and your heart, also risk your life. I'll go to protect your smile

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


sigh~ for once i'm tired again.. how to tell.. umm when everything becomes gooey and your mind processes slowly, back starts to ache again, skin becoming more sensitive arh.. and it's cold now. But i think it's cold because of the weather though.. it's turning a little cold here in the tropics somehow.. ahh.. sigh just read finish a fic again. hmm.. oh yea! *konk* almost forgot i left my friend's site 'hanging' in the air. gotta finish it soon! lalaa~ well.. being cut by something unknown during an unknown period of time isn't nice! But i could pretty much guess it's the air. the ultimate culprit. hmph yea and there's this time i was stupid enough to accidentally 'cut' my finger. nah.. stupid testtube.~ mind is slipping.. floating away. gotta sleep already bwuah

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


ooohhh.. it's umm.. morning again. *chuckles* Hee.. i had no idea actually when the time runs. -.-'' was trying to update some profiles of mine in a forum dahhh.. and it took.. two hours plus!? eeeks. nahnah.. who bothers. it's not like there's anymore else to do other then talk eat read sleep play type moan and.. oOOh! think about heero! hahaa! yea! hmm.. he seem so real, like a character.. no. a real anime person living in another dimension with the stories. sigh~ how come he's got duo and i ain't!? noo fair.. *pouts* oh well.. my body is beginning to tell me it's tired now. I was on 'high' just now.. keep typing that silly profile, blabbling away about everything, about my tomodachi! hee.. wonder if i should change song soon already.. but it seems a nice song! lalaa~ *sings* i am hurting~ i have lost it all~ i have lose it.. help me to breathe~! itching~ stupid camp shirt. shouldn't have wore it! .... -sigh- going to the library tomorrow with the forever baka candle. *boof!* ja ne!

Monday, December 06, 2004


oh well.. i found this.. on a site.. the wordings is.. [you cry a lot when you're alone] dedicated to.. no one in particular. I think it's a pretty graphic.


heero. is all i ever like, is all i ever want to be. at least in the fanfics that is. he is strong in every sense, cold, calm, level headed, aloof, indifferent, and emotionless though.. he isn't emotionless in that sense. and best of all.. he has duo! mwuahahahhaaa.. and he can break all metal except 'gundanium'! Again, though it is only an anime, a character created out of nothing by the mentality of men.. i like him alot! It's the same which i like sanzo, akito-s, yuki-s, kyo and.. so forth. One thing that they all have in them.. is.. the cold exterior. The angsting, their past, and the weakness it caused them to have. Hm.. the sickness, the fragility of their hearts and.. the violence and last of all, indifference they show. just love em all! *starts glomping continuously* arh..gomen..

Sunday, December 05, 2004



The prince and the fairy king

[!!this tale is taken from a fic i read]
"Grandma, what are you looking for? Can I help you look for it?"
"It's no use", she told him with a slight smile, "Even with your help, I wouldn't be able to find it."
"Why's that?"
"It's no longer here.", she told him glancing around at the mess she had made, "I was only hoping that it was still here. I swear that it was."
"Well what is it?",
"Have I ever told you the story of the Fairy King?",
"What about the Fairy King?", the boy asked, hands tugging at her dress skirt.
"How careless of me to not tell you the best story of them all."
"What happens?!", he asked impatiently, and his grandmother shushed him
"Alright, calm down. Now where to start?"
"Start at the beginning.", he reminded her, and she laughed hugging him closer.
"Yes, the beginning. Well in the beginning the world was a different place. Magic wasn't only heard of in fairy tales. It was real, very real. Animals could communicate with humans and vice versa."
"Yes, well, there were also many other species, many different creatures. Those completely different form the human race and those that were human-like but born of magic."
"Now fairies, elves, humans and the likes, they all lived together in peace. Though it is said that they were very cautious of each other."
"There were humans, elves, dragons, fairies, giants, dwarves, goblins, and many other creatures."
"Though they lived in peace, they kept to themselves. Not wanting to get caught on the affairs of other species. Though there was one creature who had found that a certain king had caught her eye."
"The Fairy King. Now the woman was a very powerful sorceress. An elf with power beyond any who held it. And she found herself deeply enraptured by this king. She wanted him and she tried her best to get him."
"Did she?", The boy asked enthralled with the story.
"No. Unfortunately for her he was already in love with someone else. The beautiful child of the Human King. The Fairy King had refused her advances and he ignored her threats to him. Her jealousy however he was very aware of and he knew that it could mean something drastic. In desperation, she tried her best to make him love her with a deal. She promised him powers beyond his wildest dreams and an endless kingdom farther than the eyes could see. Complete and utter control of the entire world and it's creatures that dwelled upon it. All of this, but only if he would have her as his queen."
"What did he do?", he asked, eyes now wide.
"Well he refused of course. He could never love her when his heart belonged to another. However, the elven sorceress would not stand for that. In a blind rage she reached into his chest and drew out his heart. He watched her as she turned it to glass and threw it to the ground. It shattered into a hundred pieces and the sorceress called upon the Great Wind. He was ordered to scatter the shards across the world and so he did, vowing under threat to never reveal where they were. With that she turned to the Fairy King vowing that he would never love again. If she could not have his heart than no one else would. She also vowed to take away his precious human and so she did."
"What did the Fairy King do? Was he sad?"
"Very sad. He didn't need his heart to feel emotion contrary to what the sorceress thought. He mourned the loss of his heart and his love. Who the sorceress had stolen away from the humans and she made sure the child was hidden away where the Fairy King could never find it. It was said that the sorceress gave the child a shard of the king's heart, telling the young child-"

"How young?", the boy asked innocently and his grandmother stopped.
"About eighteen.", she told him, "No need to worry. There will be no pedophiles in my stories."
"As I was saying, she told the child that the Fairy King was no more, and with that she sent the child away for good. Never to be found."

"But the Fairy King found the kid right?", he asked, desperately wanting a happy ending.
"The Fairy King never found the love of his life. However, he did find nearly all the pieces of his heart. The last piece he learned was with his human lover, and he vowed to find it. Then will the two be together and his heart would be whole."


[this doesn't make sense at all]
for some reasons, the woman woke up in the middle of her sleep and asked me if i'd like to eat that 'fake' pizza that was bought. It's kinda weird and i can't stop laughing, so that woman had to leave with the idea that i didn't want any food. and there it goes *ding* the oven. well perhaps. the man came from his room and shuffles.. so i had the pizza after all. men ARE greedy aren't they? oh well. not all. oh. the pizza came. so do the woman. i realised that it's chipped. or the least, a piece was missing from 'half' the pizza. Well as long as that woman don't sickly 'bit' off directly from it thats fine. One doesn't have to give excuses so much. So there.. i'm munching on it now. typing away still. muttering non-sensical--?? stuff. why can't 'it' type in a different pov. 'the woman' sounds perfectly right to me. not even a s,h,e would be more right than that. sigh~ after all the pizza taste good. humm.. in the afternoon or what i so called late morning, that girl replied ok fine then. Did i do anything? wondering. surely one can't possibly make itself scarce for me not wanting it's presence around would it? Nothing of such would ever happen i guess. the least. thinking. or not really. blabbling away without much thought would be the right words to use. what could one wish more than a friendly company. found out what is actually sought after by the fics i read. not that i 'just' found out but kinda concluded it again after much thought. if it became an obsession, will it ever stop. what if it became too much of part of one, too great to stop. guess that. obsession is like how or why people want to cut. self mutilation a better word. wouldn't ever know unless one tries, not until it became a habit. isn't it stupid then. worldly desires or needs. well. but when it's so empty the feeling is greater. exasperation for a need to feel, even if it is someone else's-not your own. the first sought in life created out of humans. stories or shows. what can it be. but first way i'm finding isn't what i would call normal. maybe it is normal, but how could it be. because just what is known as utterly sick to the core. Not too sick though. My planet uranus, that woman's planet is also uranus. what could be blamed. uranus also represents perversion. i would be surprised. if that woman isn't so sick, i wouldn't be. it just got to pass on. or rather what is created out of a sick and perversed mind. subjects to be avoided, subjects to ignore. things one should see, things one shouldn't. the friend who's unhappy most of it's day till it meets another friend online. it's normal again. wonder if i'm like that too. but it isn't so. apathy. perhaps nothing is wrong. it is only wrong cause that human mind searched for differences, unique-ty. or maybe it is worse than thought. a moment of berserk when confronted with the word 'heh. is there even anything wrong. nothing's wrong.' and all could be calm. that is probably an illusion. musing too much isn't good either.

Friday, December 03, 2004

eye colour

talking to myself again.

"i'm going to get coloured contacts someday!"
"oh. what colour"
"urm.. blue? ehh maybe green.. what about"
"what colour exactly?"
"I was thinking, green is cool! but amethyst is kin-"
"Arh! Grey is scary.. but muraki has gre-"
"who's that"
"some guy in the anime? oh! as i was saying.. he has grey or rather metallic eye. It's only on one side though. But then he looks kinda scary and well.. *grin* so .. yea! Red eyes are niceee too! it's like roses.."
"roses! roses are red-"
"urusei. so what colour have you decided"
"hey! I was just saying.. red-"
"forget that i asked"
"aww.. come on.. maybe i'll take blue afterall. But europeans ALL have blue's common t-"
"not ALL"
"but it's too common. so.. ack. how about black eyes?" *grins*
"that IS your colour"
"oh? hehe.." *scratch head* "i.. hee.. forgot"
"just stick to it then"
"stick? i.."
"black eyes. your natural colour"
"oh.. but i thought grey colou-"
*fume* "do what you like and don't disturb me.."
"aww.. hidoi ne.. hey! emerald eyes may suit you."
"how about yellow orbs? ne? yellow? oh.. maybe pink.."
-.-'' *sweatdrop*
"so how? so how? or maybe you lik-"
"shut up. urusei n.."
*gong* "noisy brat"
"ack! wahhhhh!!!!" *covers lump on head and run away*


it's already fifth week or so into the holidays, umm.. around 3 weeks more to school reopen? Haven't done much since the holidays started though, nah.. life is like that! Darn.. had better try to do more of the homework. I wonder if other schools also have homework.. well most probably i guess.. -xian- downloading naruto episode 112 now. Just watched 110-111 this morning ^.^ lalaa~ can't wait! Then again, sitting at the computer for too long is 'sickening' hmm.. stupid nekoO sleeping and i can't call her hmph. sigh.. it seems to be getting warmer.. i bet.. i'm gonna cut off that stupid hair one day! hmph..... eeeekkkkkssss


and he said... i told you that i'm me and you are you. It's stupid to think about who's better at what. Don't let what he said bother you too much. All you need to do is live your life naturally and comfortably [shikamaru]

Thursday, December 02, 2004


-there is nothing here, absolutely nothing. i have nothing here, absolutely nothing here, nothing here to blog at this moment. empty, very empty mind. so just bye, at least there's something i can say, bye.-