Tuesday, December 21, 2004


do you suffer from PTSD, formally called post traumatic stress disorder? do you suffer from..
-Headaches, aches and pains from joints
-Feeling tired and lethargic
-Finding it impossible to concentrate, inability to complete simple tasks
-Poor memory and concentration
-A total lack of energy

-Irritability, inability to relax, disturbed sleep

Take this ptsd test! Just answer yes or no to each of the questions. No need to jot down, there are no results.

Have you experienced or witnessed a life-threatening event that caused intense fear, helplessness or horror?
Repeated, distressing memories and/or dreams?
Acting or feeling as if the event was happening again? (flashbacks or re-living it).
Intense physical and/or emotional distress when you are exposed to things that remind you of the event?
Do you avoid reminders of the event and feel numb, compared to the way you felt before?
Do you avoid thoughts, feelings and conversations about the event?
Do you avoid activities, places or people who remind you of it?
Have you blanked on parts of the detail?
Are you losing interest in significant activities in your life?
Are you feeling detached from other people?
Do you feel as if your range of emotions is restricted?
Do you feel as if your future is diminished in terms of marriage, children or a normal life span?
Problems sleeping?
Irritability or outbursts of anger?
Problems concentrating?
Feeling 'on-guard'?
An exaggerated startle response?
Have you experienced changes in sleeping or eating habits?

More days than not, do you feel:
Sad or Depressed?
Disinterested in life?
Worthless or guilty?

If you have answered to more than five of the following, or even more, you are suffering from PTSD and would require help for the best.

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