Sunday, December 05, 2004

The prince and the fairy king

[!!this tale is taken from a fic i read]
"Grandma, what are you looking for? Can I help you look for it?"
"It's no use", she told him with a slight smile, "Even with your help, I wouldn't be able to find it."
"Why's that?"
"It's no longer here.", she told him glancing around at the mess she had made, "I was only hoping that it was still here. I swear that it was."
"Well what is it?",
"Have I ever told you the story of the Fairy King?",
"What about the Fairy King?", the boy asked, hands tugging at her dress skirt.
"How careless of me to not tell you the best story of them all."
"What happens?!", he asked impatiently, and his grandmother shushed him
"Alright, calm down. Now where to start?"
"Start at the beginning.", he reminded her, and she laughed hugging him closer.
"Yes, the beginning. Well in the beginning the world was a different place. Magic wasn't only heard of in fairy tales. It was real, very real. Animals could communicate with humans and vice versa."
"Yes, well, there were also many other species, many different creatures. Those completely different form the human race and those that were human-like but born of magic."
"Now fairies, elves, humans and the likes, they all lived together in peace. Though it is said that they were very cautious of each other."
"There were humans, elves, dragons, fairies, giants, dwarves, goblins, and many other creatures."
"Though they lived in peace, they kept to themselves. Not wanting to get caught on the affairs of other species. Though there was one creature who had found that a certain king had caught her eye."
"The Fairy King. Now the woman was a very powerful sorceress. An elf with power beyond any who held it. And she found herself deeply enraptured by this king. She wanted him and she tried her best to get him."
"Did she?", The boy asked enthralled with the story.
"No. Unfortunately for her he was already in love with someone else. The beautiful child of the Human King. The Fairy King had refused her advances and he ignored her threats to him. Her jealousy however he was very aware of and he knew that it could mean something drastic. In desperation, she tried her best to make him love her with a deal. She promised him powers beyond his wildest dreams and an endless kingdom farther than the eyes could see. Complete and utter control of the entire world and it's creatures that dwelled upon it. All of this, but only if he would have her as his queen."
"What did he do?", he asked, eyes now wide.
"Well he refused of course. He could never love her when his heart belonged to another. However, the elven sorceress would not stand for that. In a blind rage she reached into his chest and drew out his heart. He watched her as she turned it to glass and threw it to the ground. It shattered into a hundred pieces and the sorceress called upon the Great Wind. He was ordered to scatter the shards across the world and so he did, vowing under threat to never reveal where they were. With that she turned to the Fairy King vowing that he would never love again. If she could not have his heart than no one else would. She also vowed to take away his precious human and so she did."
"What did the Fairy King do? Was he sad?"
"Very sad. He didn't need his heart to feel emotion contrary to what the sorceress thought. He mourned the loss of his heart and his love. Who the sorceress had stolen away from the humans and she made sure the child was hidden away where the Fairy King could never find it. It was said that the sorceress gave the child a shard of the king's heart, telling the young child-"

"How young?", the boy asked innocently and his grandmother stopped.
"About eighteen.", she told him, "No need to worry. There will be no pedophiles in my stories."
"As I was saying, she told the child that the Fairy King was no more, and with that she sent the child away for good. Never to be found."

"But the Fairy King found the kid right?", he asked, desperately wanting a happy ending.
"The Fairy King never found the love of his life. However, he did find nearly all the pieces of his heart. The last piece he learned was with his human lover, and he vowed to find it. Then will the two be together and his heart would be whole."

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