Wednesday, December 08, 2004


sigh~ for once i'm tired again.. how to tell.. umm when everything becomes gooey and your mind processes slowly, back starts to ache again, skin becoming more sensitive arh.. and it's cold now. But i think it's cold because of the weather though.. it's turning a little cold here in the tropics somehow.. ahh.. sigh just read finish a fic again. hmm.. oh yea! *konk* almost forgot i left my friend's site 'hanging' in the air. gotta finish it soon! lalaa~ well.. being cut by something unknown during an unknown period of time isn't nice! But i could pretty much guess it's the air. the ultimate culprit. hmph yea and there's this time i was stupid enough to accidentally 'cut' my finger. nah.. stupid testtube.~ mind is slipping.. floating away. gotta sleep already bwuah

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