Saturday, December 18, 2004


hmm..listening to break through now.. just wondering, when will the tide cease. It have been so long already, how long can it last till it slowly fades into nothingness. how long exactly. what has changed over time, how has it changed between. is it still that spark of fire, or has it gone out. maybe.. nothing has changed, just a twisted mind toying with things, screwing things till there isn't any clear definition. maybe it is just nothing. but, when will the tide go down. will it last so long as the sun takes to set? will it wait till the season's over? sigh-

trying to make up some chibi faces just now, while thinking of yaoi and stuff that goes.. #^.^# hohoho! can't believe that i did that kind of stuff.

(#"#)oo(^.~) h e . t a s t e d . g o o d
(*-*)oO(" /) j u s t . g o t . m y . p e c k

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