Monday, November 22, 2004


nah.. went over to the nearby 'festival market' earlier with my parents. So much for it's name -sigh- it's kind of weird. So quiet. no one's talking, and once in a while there's me trying to ask my mother something only finally i decided not to. but anyway, walking out is better than staying at home all day to rot right? Yea.. the routine is slowly eating me inside so I should get out something different soon. Stupid woman and she keep asking me whether i want to buy this to eat, that to eat though obviously my answer is either 'anything' or 'if you buy i'll eat, if not then not' . That's what i've been repeating over sooo long. listening to d.n.angel's michishirube now. I'm going to upload it!!! *grins* songss!! tomorrow is monday.yea. another day! I shall get myself alive and kicking again! First.. hm..hmm..hmm. clean my f opps utterly terribly dirty and messy room! =P stupid duo. influencing me with his swearings. hehe. done! is it alittle short? hmm.. i shall add some quotes then. Arh... i like the first poem alot. read it!

Everyone is lovable no matter what's believed,
Although with some it seems it can't be achieved.
Everyone is born lovable and little by little
Their love is battered and becomes brittle
And gets harder to get to the core
And to find it seems like an impossible chore.
Yet, it can be unlocked by unconditional love
As ice is melted by the sun from above.
So the next time you find a love that's ice cold.
Send love and over time it'll blossom and enfold.

People are to be loved, things are to be used.
Instead of things being loved and people abused.
What would life be if we loved one another?
Would things be valued over a sister or brother?
Would war exist where destruction is the rule?
Would people treat others in ways that are cruel?
What would the world be like if we lived the Master's Plan,
Would we love others first and make things the also-ran?

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