Saturday, November 20, 2004


tehee.. and so.. life is just like that- boring. It's three in the morning already and I'm just still sitting at my computer trying to do something worthy only to end up posting so many 'post' in a day and gawking at my own blog cause i have no idea how that 'html' works and like the simple layout/template anyway. Just another of my days have passed by.. My msn nickname is now [ "when will the light cease?" "it always had" .soaked in eternity of darkness clothed of fresh blood and pain. ] trying to get the word gory after blood just now but my friend went.. you bian tai!! well so I had to change a little. It sounds the same though. *grins* Wonder how I start doing that, must have been some influence my other friend-s. Eh.. friend-_ lar. Sigh~ booring booOring! hahaa.. listening to 'solitude' over and over again. When will the angelfire bandwidth be used up? *shrugs* oh yea, went to neko's house yesterday with another friend of mine. Was supposingly to meet her at 11 but i was late for urm.. thirty minutes+? Hehee.. that's my second time being late for soooo long! All because I calculated the 'packing' time wrongly and blabbered too much on the msn before getting ready. Think we spent most of the time in the room watching some vcd and playing stupid stuf- well not exacted what was meant.. UNO and that truth or dare thingy. Truth of dare well.. wasn't too fun I think cause we didn't come up with HENTAI stuff!! >o< *evill grin* urhem. So as I was saying, ehehe.. no hentai stuff. Awww.. the next time you'll see. Heh.. i shall come up with the most stuff you can ever imagine! Well.. maybe not. Play nice =) If only hana's time wasn't opp one hour behind time, she'll be back by now! It's 3+ already. Blame it on the most wonderful and desired nature's course of daylight hours I guess. Don't know much about this time difference thing. Well oh yea! Just before this.. *points up* nickname of mine is this : [ with the world is always this taciturnity.locking myself in forbidden eternity of darkness.dirt just shouldn't be seen] The dirt part was just well. taken from a fic I read. It was incomplete though, the author don't intend to continue it. Before I go, let me just put some quotes I found here *wink* I hope it can be understood. Though, the last purple quote, I don't understand it very well. Is someone going to explain it to me? *smiles*

It has been said that he who retires to solitude is either a beast or an angel; the censure is too severe, and the praise unmerited: the discontented being, who retires from society, is generally some good natured man, who has begun his life without experience, and knew not how to gain it in his intercourse with mankind. = Oliver Goldsmith (1728 - 74) English poet, dramatist & novelist

One can never be the judge of another's grief. That which is a sorrow to one, to another is joy. Let us not dispute with any one concerning the reality of his sufferings; it is with sorrows as with countries each man has his own. = Francois Rene Chateaubriand (17681848) French author& statesman

Believe me, every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and oftentimes we call a man cold when he is only sad. = Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807 - 82) American poet

It is the veiled angel of sorrow who plucks away one thing and another that bound us here in ease and security, and, in the vanishing of these dear objects, indicates the true home of our affections and our peace. = Edwin Hubbell Chapin (1814 - 80) American Unitarian clergy

Everyone that flatters thee Is no friend in misery. Words are easy, like the wind,Faithful friends are hard to find. =Richard Barnfield

It is one of the severest tests of friendship to tell your friend his faults. So to love a man that you cannot bear to see a stain upon him, and to speak painful truth through loving words, that is friendship. Henry Ward Beecher

Real loneliness consists not in being alone, but in being with the wrong person, in the suffocating darkness of a room in which no deep communication is possible. Sydney J. Harris

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