Wednesday, November 24, 2004


ohhh since when do i type like that? talking to myself. hmm.. hehe. so stupid. its... well, early now.very. hmm.. boring boring tired tired. listening to the music now. oh ya! I was supposed to change music! oh well.. sigh. hha! my mother trying to get me off the computer. Well, that does actually make me want to 'stick' to it more. not especially when she put THAT face. darn her. blehh. I shall grab some snacks later. sigh. oh yea, did a lot of mining today and well chat-ed a lot too. Cause i'm tired and bored and having backache so i just started talking to people i don't even know. some are weird, keep begging for people to give them stuff though they can earn on their own. hah. wait a long time. then i was screaming away "who wants iron!!!" when finally no one answers me. hmph. lalaaa~ oooo and in return i got two new friends! yay! one of them is well.. interesting I'd say. he/she is 18 and studies history, lives in romania? *grins* haha.. don't know where exactly is that though. he/she said that studies there are hard.. well maybe not, i think, since singapore alone has 'intense' education system. Hmm.. the other one wasn't much, its a she i think. But her nick wonder... reminds of my another friend of mine. hehe.. the feeling i get when i see the nick. And there's some people at the mining site shouting joooooood!! Thats other language lar, but someone else told me it means noobie or something like that. so there, i learnt a new word! ^.^ lalaa~ argh. seemed like my entire day evolved around this. hmm.. heee.. nah! hope my mother doesn't come out anytime soon. bleh. she's mad at night. tomorrow is another day! Hmm..wednesday. anything special.. nope. awww.. just another day. got to bathe soon already. hm. no one online.. well, sigh~ booring. so there, ja. going to sleep soon already..

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