Saturday, November 20, 2004


hmm.. listening to raison detre by dir en grey now. It isn't such a great song though, I've grown to like it from excessive listening. hehe.. my parents just got some junks off their backs in the early afternoon. Nothing much interesting but at least that cleared my room of another space. Should I put up the lyrics for the song here? I'ts kind of no meaning, at least I think so and I don't really like the lyrics much. Nah, perhaps it is because I couldn't understand it.. anyway here:

I loved you too much, the myself of that time will forever stay thus
But I got bored of seeing you, I've someone else in my arms
Soon I won't love you anymore, my hatred increases
I'm going to want to hit and destroy you, do you like my selfishness ?
I searched quite more than words
I searched only your body
A Pierrot just alone lying in front of the mirror
Goes slowly near to me
Who can makes you suffering, I or she ?
Alone, I whisper
I hurt you when you noticed that
With me we didn't understand each other
A Pierrot just alone lying in front of the mirror
Goes slowly near to me
Who can makes you suffering, I or she ?
Alone, I whisper
Finally you suffer so much that your spirit is going away from your body
In front of my eyes you're yelling of laugh, looking at a red razor

Does anyone bother looking? Well, it's a saturday afternoon and i'm just sitting around at the computer again-again. I was trying to make my friend's website into another layout just now. Gck. Without frontpage.. things are just so hard. Sigh~ now it's hanging halfway waiting to be finished up. Kind of tired now. oh yea.. haha! I think my mother was talking some dirty stuff on the phone just now, so.. argh. gross disgusting-utterly so. I had to mute her voice using music. heh. Wonder if they are going out later, just.. hopefully so. Sigh~ no frontpage! I wanna edit the tag-board. Can't.cannot. Wanna edit, edit, edit. *boof!* irritating. Shall go and do other stuff now. ja.

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